Chapter Three

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(Third Person POV)

The ride to the wearhouse was quiet as Maki listened to music and Y/N quietly meditated in the backseat of the car. When the driver informed the students they where five minutes away from their destination Y/N tapped Maki's shoulder to get her attention. She took out her ear buds and looked towards him.

Maki: "Huh?"

Y/N: "We're almost there."

She nodded and put her phone in her bag as the vehicle turned off the main road towards their destination. They eventually stopped by in front of the wearhouse and got out. Immediately Y/N and Maki where hit with the presence of the curses within like a putrid smell. Y/N felt like some was off and their missing something but Maki seemed undeterred.

He shook it off as he got into position and used the same form Gojo uses when he creates a veil.

Y/N: "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

The curtain fell over the wearhouse effectively cutting off the two from the outside world leaving them with the privacy required to do their work.

Maki: "Nice work, was that your first time?"

Y/N: "No. It took me about a dozen tries when Gojo taught me to get it right so I'm pretty happy it worked so well."

Maki took out her glaive while Y/N produced two sabers similar to what European or American calvary would of used in days long past. The duo nodded to each other and walked into the wearhouse with their weapons at the ready. Upon entering they saw the whole wearhouse floor was still filled with boxes in crates creating a maze within the dankly lit building

Y/N: "I'll take point with the swords, your spear will be more useful if it's covering me from behind."

Maki: "Are you sure you just want to keep me from winning our little bet?"

She said with a smile while positioning herself to protect her partner's back.

Y/N: "We can split the bill fifty/fifty for now and try again when we're not in a place to get ambushed."

They kept close with Y/N ready to slash the first thing he sees and Maki having some trouble in the tight spaces with a pole arm.

Y/N: " I can make you a new weapon if you need one, other people can use them just fine if I imbue a little more cursed energy into them."

Maki: "No thanks, I'm fine with what I have."

Y/N: "If you say so, just let me know if.."

A curse no bigger then a head jumped at Y/N but was cut in half by a simple flick of his wrist. Suddenly they found themselves in a opening among the boxes as their targets reveled themselves think they have the sorcerers right where they want them. The space they where in gave Maki room to use her spear more efficiently while Y/N raised his blades and dared his enemies to attack him.

Maki cut through three before impaling a fourth one while Y/N cut two to ribbons and closed in on another three before the curses could attack in any way. This fight was not challenge for either of them so far but they kept a perimeter to watch each other's backs while their targets come to them.

Y/N decided to try a attack he has been practicing and sliced towards two approaching curses with a horizontal strike causing a red line to fly out of his blade. The small blade of blood sliced through its targets with ease as another one got caught behind its halved comrades and shared their fate.

The attack was simple, it sacrificed a sliver of Y/N's blood and turned it into a ranged attack with the primary drawback being it drained his reserves of blood faster as it could not return back into his body like his weapons could.

Bound in Blood (Maki Zenin x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now