Y/N's Family and Clan Lore.

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About the L/N Clan:

Established in the Heian Era, the L/N Clan is know to produce either great warriors, businessman, or both. Strength, loyalty, honor, and duty to the common people are the core principles every member are expected to live and die by. Every member is expected to contribute and put jujutsu society and Japan as a whole before anything else.

They are best known for their more open minded approach in many things that more conservative and/or traditional clans would disapprove of. For example they have done business with foreigners and had even had some married into their clan for hundreds of years drawing criticism that was met with indifference.

While some would think two clans with similar techniques would be rivals, the L/N and Kamo Clans had embraced each other as kin. Y/N's grandmother was a member of the Kamo family and was married to his grandfather to further strengthen their ties.

As of now they have amassed a large fortune in assets and stocks leaving Y/N with many resources at his disposal once he takes his place as head of the clan. Many companies owe their success to the L/N clan's generosity and investments even overseas to where non-sorcerers believe they are a family of businessman and investors rather than a lineage of warriors.

L/N Clan Members:

Kaito: A powerful Heian Era sorcerer who served as Sukuna's second in command, closest friend, and confidant until he betrayed him to seal his legacy as a warrior instead of a servant. The founder of his clan and the first user of his family's blood technique, written as a noble warrior who faced down Sukuna in history but in reality he was arrogant, ruthless, and utterly without honor.

Ismaru: Y/N's father as well as the mentor to Gojo and Geto. He is known for his near supernatural skill as a swordsman and his radical ideas on how sorcerers should have my freedom to govern themselves instead of being limited by the higher ups. His lessons find their legacy in both his students and his son that will have ripples in history.

Marcella: Y/N's mother as well as the youngest daughter of the Castagna family, a wealthy and influential family in Italy with deep connections to Europe's equivalent to jujutsu sorcerers. She is considered both loving to her family and an absolute nightmare to anyone who ticks her off.

Y/N: The sole member of his clan as of now, Y/N is Gojo's ward and considered the leader among his fellow students. Highly intelligent in academics, politics, and sorcery. Aside from his native tongue, he is fluent in Italian, Mandarin, and English. He is seen as a mostly stoic individual who favors rational thinking over emotions but is regarded by his classmates as a loyal friend. Currently in a romantic relationship with Maki Zenin.

Side Tidbits:

Gojo was chosen by Ismaru to raise Y/N should anything happen it him and Marcella but in truth Geto was actually the first choice before he was disavowed after his fall.

Y/N has a number of aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives in Italy. He has dual citizenship there and while he considers himself Japanese first and foremost he still values his ties to his mother's homeland, especially after her death.

Isamu and Ogi can be best described as best frenemies. They disagree on most things but their years as students fighting alongside each other left them with a strong mutual respect.

Tsumiki and Y/N where on friendly terms but always seemed to disagree whenever Megumi got into a fight. Tsumiki was against her younger brother getting into altercations while Y/N would approve of it or in some cases join in if Megumi was outnumbered.

Kaito is rumored to be the bastard child of a Kamo woman and an unknown sorcerer. The only person he had shared this information with is Uraume who was said to be close with Kaito.

If you have any questions feel free to ask here and I will answer it.

(Unless it's a potential spoiler since I have event mapped out all the way to Shibuya and it's aftermath.)


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