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Amal knocked as gently as she could on the closed door. "Zayd? It's Amal."

A near minute passed before she heard soft footsteps on the other side. The lock moved and Zayd opened the door, sleep evident on his facial features. She smiled at him. "It's time for Fajr. They'll call the Iqamah soon so you might want to hurry."

He nodded, leaning against the doorframe. "Good morning."

Her expression softened. "Good morning. My bag's inside the room so I have to come in." He stepped aside immediately and Amal chuckled as she walked past him. "Wake up, Sa'ed."

"I'm trying." He flinched when she switched on the lights. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness. On the bed, Hanan stirred but thankfully stayed asleep.

Amal smiled at the serene sight. "She slept well, right?"

He nodded, walking away from the now closed door. "She did. We slept late so..." He stretched his arms above his head, barely stifling a yawn. "God, I'm exhausted."

Amal quietly opened her box. "You can go back to bed after Fajr. We don't have to leave until after Asr so I know a lot of people are going to sleep in."

Zayd opened the bathroom door. "And what if most of them want to keep celebrating?"

She put her box back in place, a black jilbab in hand. "I'll keep them away from here." She dropped the jilbab on the stool by the dresser and then walked over to where he stood. She took his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. "Come and make wudhoo, Sa'ed. You're going to go back to bed if I leave you here."

He groaned in protest. "Wallahi I'm tired."

"And it's definitely not my fault."

"I don't like you so much right now."

She laughed before she let one of the sink taps run. "I love you too."

They brushed together and then performed ablution, Zayd smiling throughout as Amal lovingly teased him. He was the last one out of the bathroom. She walked over to the bed with her jilbab in hand and leaned in to look at Hanan who slept on soundly. She smiled. "God, she's so pretty."

Zayd's warm smile returned. "Yeah, she is. You're pretty too."

"Leave me alone."

"I'm done with both of you." He looked around before he remembered where his box was. He sniffled. "I need to get a kaftan from Mas'ood's room."

"I'll come with you."

He walked to the bed and pulled the duvet up to Hanan's shoulders. He had pulled it back earlier when Amal knocked on the door. Hanan stirred and her eyes opened, brows furrowing as everything came into focus.

He smiled at her. "Go back to sleep."

Her frown was cute. "Zayd?"

"It's time for Fajr so Amal and I are going down to pray with everyone else. You should go back to sleep."

"Will you wake me up when you get back?"

He nodded. "I will. Now go back to sleep."

He did not move until she went back to sleep. When he turned, he found a grinning Amal at the door. He rolled his eyes. They remembered to switch off the lights before they left the room. She followed him to Mas'ood's to pick up a grey kaftan which he wore over his pyjamas. The others were waiting for them in the living room.

Immediately they walked in, Umar stood. "Toh, let's pray."

A large percentage of Duas made after the two raka'ah prayers were for Zayd and Hanan. Each person asked Allah to bless the union and keep them happy in love and harmony. When they finished and greetings were out of the way, Zainab rose to her feet. She called on the other women to help in preparing breakfast.

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