11. New sword.

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Tord's POV

There I was. Standing on top of the stage with a mop in my right hand. Watching Edd's back while he walked away. His long and velvety deep red colored cloak dragged behind him while his crown shined annoyingly straight to my eye. So ungrateful of him. He didn't even give me any credit for the law making. Yeah You sure figured it out on your own. It was completely your own idea! I didn't do anything at all! I raised my sword furiously and immediately after that I heard a loud squeaking noise. "Hm?" Warm red liquid started to drip to my hand. The delicious aroma of iron carried to my nose, making me feel unexpected excitement. Unhurriedly I searched for the source of blood. It turned out that a black baby dragon had flown straight to my sword. It was a little longer than my palm. Its four tiny black limbs were pointing towards the sky lifelessly, while its wings were lazily hanging from its back.

There was nothing I could do, as if I was even really bothered. Its organs were already exposed and slowly starting to slide out of its stomach. I snagged it off of my sword and started examining it. Maybe I could find nice bones or something useful that I could take.

As I was holding that little guy in my hands I heard a high pitched animalistic screech behind me. At the same second I pointed my sword toward the thing that was growling at me and turned around. It was a full grown black dragon. Shaped like a serpent and even its teeth were black. The only thing that was not black was its two pairs of eyes. They were completely white and glowed a little which made it look almost like a shadow with 4 holes in the head. I assumed it was the mother of this baby.

Chaos began to spread among the citizens while the dragon started to get closer to me. Few brave Knights started to run towards the dragon with their sharp swords drawn. But they didn't know that this kill would be mine. I needed those materials! What a beautiful color and exotic shape. "Come here little shadow snake~" It screeched again while it struck at me, destroying the stage. It actually dodged my sword pretty smoothly so its spine must be very flexible.

Its sharp black teeth were inches away from my face. I had no choice but to ram my sword between its jaws. There was no way that I could have the time to dodge that. So I threw my sword inside of that dragon's dirty mouth. That stupid dragon flinched and most obviously freaked out so it closed its mouth as a reflex. I could hear how it's skull cracked open and the blood started to drip to the broken stage.

"In my list that specific dragon is now on one of the most dangerous ones I have ever seen." a young and short man said with a familiar cheerful voice. He took his helmet off and at his other side were two other men. It was that Jon guy and his two other friends Mark and Eduardo. They really started to annoy me. Especially that Eduardo guy. I could still remember how he kicked my knee. I swear to god someday I will gut him.

Those three idiots started to drag the dragon's corpse to the side. I bet they tried to steal it from me. "That's mine. If you guys don't want to lose your hands then let go of it. I killed it so I will keep it." Eduardo rolled his eyes and smiled a little while Mark and Jon just let go and started to back off. "You know, your friends left you?" I smiled and took a short bladed knife out of its sheath. I always kept it in my belt just in case. Eduardo looked at my knife which gleamed in my hands. "What a pussy. You don't even dare to fight with your bare ha-" Before he could finish his sentence I knocked him out with my left hand.

"Shut your mouth. Don't underestimate me." I spat and started dragging the dragon to my home. It was heavy and its teeth started getting white. "How interesting..." I abandoned it for a sec in my backyard and started looking for tools. I'm gonna need a saw, knives, pliers and a basket. When I was ready I walked back to my backyard, next to the dragon. Its beautiful pitch black scales were slowly starting to fade, making it partly gray and white. What a shame. I'd look badass in a jacket made of dragon scales. Black would really accentuate my red ruby eyes. "Well, no can do."

I opened the dragon's mouth and started to dig out my sword. Pieces of skull stuck to my hand and my arms were completely slimy and wet because of the blood. The only sound that I could hear was the juicy sound of raw meat moving around my hand. Finally I got my sword out but to my surprise it was completely in pieces. "Fuck." There was no way that it could be fixed anymore, so I just threw it into the bushes.

I took the rusty metal pliers and started to tear out its teeth. Pieces of its slimy and bloody gums still stuck out of its pulled teeths. "Ugh... I have to clean those, before I'm gonna use them. I don't want to smell like rotten meat." While putting all the teeths in the basket a thought came to my mind. What if I casted a sword from those scales instead of buying a new one? I remember how my dad used to make weapons out of different parts of dragons. When I was young I didn't realize how illegal it was but I'm quite impressed how he didn't get caught.

I was sitting by my dad's side when he made something. He was talking to my mom about the next hunting night. I examined the small skull in my hands and everything was so peaceful. Dad looked at me with a warm and proud smile. "Someday you will do something incredible." He gave me a small and sharp knife. I looked up to my dad curiously. "What is it dad?" He patted my head and chuckled with his raspy voice. "It's a knife. I made it for you. It's made of real titanium dragon. When you are a little bit older you will understand why I gave it to you." He hummed and left his workshop.

I snapped out of my thoughts and placed the last teeth in the basket. "I'm gonna make you proud dad." A sigh escaped my mouth while I started skinning the dragon. It took me forever to get it done. After that I took its spine out of its flesh. It was a real pain in the ass. Its spine was really long and slender. "Just like I thought, flexible."

When I was finally done with getting all of the materials it was already night. I went back inside and put all the meat in the small fridge. Fridge is the most valuable thing that I have in my home. Most of the people can't even afford that. Money is not a given. Our family has always been poor. That's why mom and dad started working for Gold's family. Back then I didn't understand why my parents gossiped about them behind their backs, but now I would join them too. It's a shame that my parents are gone now but life sucks sometimes. My dad used to always say "Get over it" and I will follow that guideline.

After putting the meat in the fridge I started washing my hands. They were fully covered in blood and little pieces of meat and bones so was my brown t-shirt. "What a fifty snake." I walked to my own little workshop where there was an anvil, pot filled with cold water, tools like alloy and hammer. I turned on the oil lamp which was placed nicely on top of my working desk. It has been a while since I have used these tools but I knew I could handle this.

After forging the whole night I was finally done. I made it. I managed to make a whip out of that spine and a new sword by melting the scales so it wouldn't break anymore. In the scale melting process the sword's blade turned out to be turquoise which was interesting. Maybe the heat is that specie's weakness. Now I would only need a hilt to this sword. I wrapped the bone whip around my belt and started attaching washed dragon teeth to my shoulder pads.

"Now, I have to admit, I look really convincing."

Hi dear reader! How are u? I haven't been actively writing this since 4th of May. The reason why I haven't posted anything is basically school and my exam week. It's currently starting and it's hard to find any time to write however I have been thinking about the story so don't worry guys I haven't abandoned this.

Also omfg I have 400 reads?!!!! I don't even know how to thank you all for reading this story and simply being a big part of my journey! I'm so thankful for your support. I love you all.

However I want to remind you all that I'd absolutely love to hear and read your thoughts about this story and stuff like that, maybe even speculations about the end or something so don't be afraid to leave a comment!

Stay safe u all!

This chapter was written on 24th of May 2023.

No Longer Your KingdomМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя