20. Blue flames in the night sky.

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Tord's POV

"Did you plan on murdering Edd Gold?" The interrogator asked. She watched me while I tapped my chained hands to the cold table. "Oh, heck yeah, I did!" I hummed and scanned the woman in front of me with my eyes. Her dark eyes stared at me back in the dim light and her soft looking hands dipped the quill to the black ink. "Did you murder 3 Knights in the forest?" She wrote down all of my answers. Her handwriting was pretty and clear. I turned my head to the left side of the table and watched closely at the oil lamp. It was clearly lacking fuel. I watched how a frail white moth flew around and towards the light. "Yes, I did." I didn't want to look at the interrogator so I just kept looking at the worthless moth.

"Do you regret anything?" She continued asking me stupid questions and writing my answers. "And do you regret that you were born? Like how those kinds of questions are important?" I rolled my eyes and catched the moth with my bare hands. "This is the second day of your interrogation. We have a ton of questions before your trial starts." Her voice was empty. No feelings or sympathy. She was like a doll, not in a pretty way, more like a mannequin. "Ugh..." I squeezed the moth in my hand and threw it to the cold stone floor. Without feelings I can't manipulate. She is such a pain in the ass.

"Since you seem to be out of motivation you can go to your cell and think about your life." She said calmly and stood up. She then started to walk me back to my cell. We walked through the bleak and gray hall. Our footsteps and the sound of my chains echoed in the hall.

When we finally arrived at my cell the tall tan woman opened the heavy iron door for me. I growled to myself and stepped inside of my small and depressing room. The floor was made of cobblestone. Between the round stones was moss, bugs really liked living and crawling among them. I heard how the door behind me got closed and locked, how rude. I kicked the dusty mattress on the floor and sat on it. "Is this really my life now?"

This was not the way I wanted things to go. Why can't I ever succeed in anything!?" I yelled and punched at the hard cracking stone wall. "I need to get out of here" I pinched the brick of my nose and shut my eyes. "I can't stay here. There must be a way." Grittinging my teeth, I leaned to the gray wall.

I tried to kill some time by hitting the mattress or counting the stones on my floor. The time was ticking so slowly but somehow I managed to survive the second day. The night started falling. There was only one window in my room which lightened the room but now everything started to go dark. I stood up and walked towards the window. It was way higher than me. The closer I walked to the unreachable window the more clearly I heard the sounds of explosions, laughing, talking and yelling. "What is going on?"

I pressed my ear against the coarse rock wall but I couldn't hear any better. My curiosity was way too big to just leave it there. Besides, I was bored, so I began to climb up the wall. It was way harder than I imagined it to be but I was determined to see what was happening out there. I reached to the barred window and took a grip of the rusty iron bar. I pushed myself up and climbed to the minimal space where the bars began to block the way out.

I looked out and I was way higher than I imagined. I was in a tower, maybe 400 feet up in the air. Every cottage looked so little and the countless amount of people were so tiny, like ants. They singed and played together. Some of them were sitting by a huge bonfire. Colorful explosions decorated the night sky for a moment but only for a moment. Everyone had so much fun. Not gonna lie, it would have been fun to be there too.

I leaned closer to the bars and stared at the forest. But then, something caught my eye. Among the stars were blue lights. At first I thought that maybe it was something related to the festival but when it moved closer to the full moon I realized that those lights were flames. Flames of a dragon. I stared at it when it flew in front of the moon. It was a breathtaking view. Such a magnificent and mystical creature. "Someday, I will hunt you down, I promise that" I don't know why but this specific dragon felt way more powerful. I have never seen anything like this. "I need you." I hummed and mesmerized the flaming creature in front of the moon.

It seemed to look at our kingdom but it quickly dashed away when it heard a loud explosion. People in the festival had started the dragon hunt event. "Damn it." I spat and raised my middle finger up. "You civilians always have to be the joy killers." I rolled my eyes and jumped back down to my mattress. "I promise that...When I get out of here I'm gonna find that dragon and kill Edd and Matt..." I promised myself and raised my hands to the air. I looked at them and thinked about the amount of blood that they have felt.

I closed my eyes and tried to think about the way but nothing came to my mind. Eventually I lost my train of thought and fell asleep to my poor bed.

Kind of a short chapter again ik. BUT OMGF WHAT OVER 1000 READS!? WHAT? Excuse me?! HOW?! 1k was my goal and I really made it... I can't believe this...I'm so happy and I hope you guys will be here too when I'm gonna write the second book! I'm so happy kjuewfewfÖÖFöf

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