18. Where did he go?

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Tord's POV

"Rot in your own blood" I crouched down and reached my hand towards the golden crown. Just when I was about to take Edd's crown, the sound of a snapping stick made me stop. I stood up again and took a better grip on my sword. "Who's there?" I turned around.

Few steps away from me were standing tree figures with a dead wild boar. Thay all stared at me. "What have you done!?" The smallest of them yelled in panic. His voice sounded familiar. I tried to remember where I had heard it the last time. The tallest of them took their sword out of their scabbard and raised it. "What did you do to our King!?" He screamed in rage while the third Knight next to him took a step towards me. "You are insane! I did the right thing when I kicked you to the knee!"

After that I began to realize who they were. "Jon, Mark, Eduardo." I smiled a bit and pointed my sword towards them. "What a nice surprise." I continued and hummed. Mark hitted my sword with his own and tried to pin me to the ground. "Quit talking shit!" Eduardo took his sword as well and pointed at my face. "3 vs 1, how unfair." I smirked and took my whip to my left hand. I lashed at Jon who was trying to help Edd. "Don't even try, he is dead." I kicked at Mark's stomach and jumped toward the little guy.

"Jon! Watch out!" Eduardo yelled in fear but it was already too late. I chopped off his head easily with my extra sharp blade. His little head fell to the ground and rolled straight to the rocks with his body. Thick dark blood covered my sword fully and the familiar feeling of sick pleasure filled me completely. It made my breathing heavier and hotter. My mind craved for more of it. This wasn't enough. It was blood lust.

I turned around and faced the two shocked Knights. One of them was holding his chest and the other one was on the edge of throwing up. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" The raven brown headed man yelled at me while he was holding back his salty tears. He swooped towards me. His iron sword made a few deep wounds to my right arm which caused me to loosen the grip of my own sword. "Oh, you wanna kill me that badly? Get in the line!" I chuckled and dodged his attacks.

Then I felt a sudden sharp pain in my back. I fell on my belly to the ground. It emptied my lungs and I had trouble breathing normally. I coughed and looked up. That blond guy had kicked me to the back. "Didn't have the balls to just stab me?" I mumbled and catched my breath. They both looked at me and placed their swords to my throat. "I can murder you in any second." Eduardo growled while glaring at Jon's sliced body.

"Sure, go ahead." I smiled and took a deep breath. My hand reached my whip and took a tight grip of it. I lashed it towards those two idiots. The bones in the whip scratched their faces. Especially their eyes. I quickly forced myself up and took my sword from the ground. Mark and Eduardo growled and screamed for a second in shocked pain. Now, I had my chance. I thrusted my sword to Mark's back and listened to how his flesh squelched. "Now it's 1 vs 1. Isn't that way more fair than a few minutes ago?" I pulled my sword aggressively out of his lifeless body. He fell limply to the ground between me and my last enemy.

"Are you going to kill me too?!" He yelled and stabbed my shoulder with his sword. A piercing sound echoed in the forest when his sword hitted my shoulder armor. It made a little dent to it but nothing serious. I laughed for a moment and started questioning his decisions. "Why did you hit me on the shoulder?! Are you dumb? Shove the blade inside my chest! Don't be shy."

Just when he was about to attack again I moved my sword in front of his face. He didn't manage to react and while he was about to shove the blade into my chest he leaned towards me and he pushed his face to my blade. Basically he killed himself. "How stupid of you. Did you really think I would give you a free tip on how to kill me?" I chuckled and leaned back.

Everything was quiet. I was surrounded by blood, pieces of meat and bones. Four bodies with me I began to sharpen my blade to the now red painted rock. "Wait... what?" I looked around. Unfortunately there were only 3 bodies, one dead wild board and one red cape. Small puddles of blood led deeper to the forest, back to there where I came from with Edd.

"Oh, you son of a bitch."

This was the smallest chapter so far but I hope you guys don't mind. I have a lot to do today and I can't write more detailed scenarios now. Also wtf I need only 70 reads then I have 1K!!!! WHAT!?

If you ever wanna draw something about this au I would love to get some fanart!.

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