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now we got problems
and i dont think we can solve 'em
you made a really deep cut

It was crazy for Hwayoung to ever say this but she didn't want her shift to end. Talking to Donghyuck was a good idea but she didn't even know what to say. She was too preoccupied with other things to think.

"You can go if you want. Tyler said he would come early," Henry said, bringing her out of her trance.
"Wait- what?" she cleared her throat.
He rose his eyebrows up in question. "Girl, you okay? You've been on edge this whole day."

She nodded, not feeling like going into detail. "I'm just tired."
"You've been picking up every shift you can bitch. Maybe it's time to take a little break," his lips quirked up. "Maybe spend some time in the club or shit."

Hwayoung rolled her eyes in amusement, shaking her head. "Oh Henry, you're crazy." She wished him a good rest of his shift and took off her uniform. She always brought a pair of extra clothes because it always smelt like a buffet if she didn't.

The girl signed out of her work, opening the doors to fresh air. Her eyes squinted at the natural strong light. The sun was still up, bright as ever. It was beautiful, really.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, dialling someone. "Hi," she said once he picked up after not even one ring.
"Hey," his voice was soft. She missed it.
"I finished early," she cleared her throat.

"How was it?" Donghyucks voice went higher by a slight pitch, only something Hwayoung would notice. He was worried that he would accidentally say the wrong thing.
"It was good. Are you at work?"
"Kind of. But I can leave right now to see you."

She felt too selfish to let him do that. "I can wait until 7."
"Where are you?"
"I just finished so I'm still outside. The bus is coming soon."

She could hear a loud noise of shuffles from his side. "Meet me at the field in ten minutes," he said.
"Hyuck, no-"

It was too late though. He hung up the call already, zooming out of his building to meet her.

So, she slowly walked to where the field was, hoping their conversation would end up with them being civil.

The sound of a car door opening brought her to her senses. She looked away from the dandelions growing on the grass and turned to face her boyfriend.

"Hey," he smiled at her. Donghyuck sat next to her. "I know it's been twenty minutes but I had to convince my manager to let me go early and stuff so that's-"

"We need to break up Hyuck," she quietly said. He stopped blabbing and turned to her, face full of concern. "W-where's this coming from?" he couldn't understand.

She couldn't dare look at him. Hwayoung could already imagine his sad eyes and the heavy eyebags under them. "I just feel like this isn't working."

Donghyuck shook his head, not accepting what she was saying. "I'm not breaking up with you Hwa. Did my company make you do this? Because I swear I'll rip my contract right now."

Her heart hurt.

She met his eyes, controlling her expression to make it look like she wasn't on the verge of breaking. "That's exactly why we can't," she motioned to the both of them, "be dating!"

He looked must worse than she imagined. His unkempt hair was hid under his cap, eyes so full of confusion and fear. The bags under them were so deep sunken and dark, making her feel responsible for his lack of sleep.

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