Chapter 4: Big Day

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"So, you're the reason my dad was pissed this morning?"

I rolled my eyes at Andreas as I held out my arms to be measured. "Not funny."

"Come on; it's a little funny." The brown and red werewolf smiled from his seat. "He kept having his secretary check the guest list."

"She's not coming. She said our visit was enough for her. My mom doesn't like big parties anyways."

"I suppose." He rested his head against his fist. "Just a heads up, some werewolves from Wolfsbane are coming."

With a sigh, I dropped my arms to the side as the middle rank walked around me with a tape measure. "Why? I'm not an alpha or beta."

"You're the alpha's nephew and adopted son. That's enough."

"Still, I don't need them upsetting Marcy with comments about Rudy's condition."

"The pup is stuck in the wrong form," said Andreas. "He doesn't have a second head or twelve toes."

I slid my arms into a rob. "They don't care. He looks human, and that's enough to garner some comments from them." I adjusted the front as the middle rank started to pin the bottom.

"With all that red hair, I'll be happy to point out how lucky we are to get more red werewolves in the pack."

"Wolfbane has red markings in leadership."

"Not a ton," replied Andreas.

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at the mirror. "I'll be glad when this is over."

Andreas chuckled. "Come on; it's Rudy's big day. He only gets one."

"Hmm..." I tugged on the rob. "It feels expensive."

Throwing back his head, he laughed at my comment. "Why are you worried about money? Did you forget your rank?"

"No, I don't see the point in wasting money on clothes."

"Too bad, my dad even agreed you need new robes. Most wolves with our rank have multiple, and you're still wearing those dingy blue ones from when we graduated college."

I shrugged. "They were good quality."

"They're old. So suck it up, pup, and stand still. Your in-laws are coming, remember?"


I adjusted my robe. They felt so heavy.

"You clearly hate this." Marcy hugged me from behind. "I think you look nice. The green compliments your fur."

"I'll never understand why this is necessary."

"It's a formal occasion." She turned my muzzle to her, and she kissed my cheek. "Wait until you see Rudy."

She went to retrieve him from the nursery that was connected to ours. "Isn't he the cutest little thing in the whole world?" He nuzzled the baby.

Rudy giggled and grabbed at her ears.

"He's wearing a dress?"

My mate eyed me. "So are you, technically." Her eyes landed on the skirt.

I groaned. "This is why I think it's pointless. I have fur. It covers what needs to be covered."

"Rudy, tell your daddy to stop being so sensitive. He looks handsome and just needs to accept it."

He laughed and grabbed her nose.

"Your jewelry is on the bed, dear." She shot me a smirk.

My shoulders sank when I saw the bulky necklace and gold bands. I hated formal events so much. I trudged over and started to put it on.

"When you finish with your pity party, we better be going?"

I frowned. "I'm not having a pity party."

She laid the baby on the bed and came over to help me. After fixing my collar and making sure everything was lying flat, she gave me a kiss.

Pulling her close, I let out a sigh. "It's going to be a long night."

"Oh, sweetheart, I know you hate parties, but you do look nice."

"I'm going to be on the defensive all night," I muttered. "Wolfsbane better keep their opinions about my son to themselves."

"I'm sure you'll remind them." She smoothed out my fur.

"You looked beautiful." I loved the cream-flowing dress she had on.

She arched a brow. "In these horrible clothes?"

"You look good in them. I feel stupid."

"We could switch."

I groaned and laid my head on her shoulder. "You're so funny."

Rudy started to squirm and get fussy. With a sigh, I parted from her and picked up the boy. The oversize white gown completely covered him. He reached for my face.

"You'll understand why I hate this when you're older."

"My mother gave us that gown," said Marcy. "So you better tell her how much you love it if she asks."

"I plan on it now." I held Rudy up so she could wrap a blanket around the boy.

She took the baby from me. "You'll be fine, Fallon."

"Yeah." I put my arm around her. "We'll be just fine."


I rubbed my hand, where the skin was pulling together under my fur. It hadn't gone well. I never should have expected it to be a quiet night with Wolfsbane being invited. I noticed a stain on my robe and sighed. This was why I should have worn my old ones.

"Fallon! Hey, Fallon, where are you?" called Andreas.

I glanced down the path but didn't bother responding. He'd find me soon enough. Keeping my head down, I soon saw a pair of feet enter my view.

"Are you alright?"

"I hit him," I muttered.

"Well—" Andreas sat down beside me. "I heard a couple of other guys jumped in after you hit him."


"At least you waited until the after-party," he chuckled.

"Yeah, until they were drunk and started saying what they really thought about my son."

"It's Wolfsbane. They're assholes."

I swallowed hard and glanced at the mansion.

"Hector is taking care of it."

Groaning, I rubbed my face. "That doesn't make it better."

"Why not? He's the alpha. It's not going to let them get away with shit. He might throw a couple of punches himself."

I let out a huff. "I hope not. I've already made another bad impression on my in-laws."

"They weren't happy, either," said Andreas. "Half of Rudy's family is NR."

"One night," I breathed, leaning back and folding my arms. "All I wanted was one night to celebrate the birth of my pup without everyone pointing out he's human. I get it. We are very aware he was born in the wrong form."

"Maybe not the wrong form, but different."

I nodded and peered over at him. "Do you know how to get blood out?"

He started to laugh and grabbed the edge of my robe. "How bad is it? We just bought them, and they weren't cheap."

"I should have worn my old ones."

"Yeah, no." He shook his head when he found the stain. "Well, if it doesn't come out, it gives us an excuse to go shopping again. It gets me out of work, too." He stretched his arms overhead before resting them along the back of the bench.

"You're going to be the alpha soon."

"I know." His head rolled to the side. "I have to slack off now before I can't anymore."

"Your leadership skills worry me."

He chuckled to himself. "I don't think you're the only one."

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