Chapter 11: Adorable (Jax)

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My head hurt. I couldn't tell all these damn werewolves apart. Luckily some of them had markings, or this would be a lost cause. With a sigh, I turned the page. "Daven with his mate Jesse and their pups," I read. I counted the number of children in the family photo. "Six, my god."

I rubbed my forehead. My finger tapped on the face of the tallest boy. This kid would turn into the next alpha. Flipping through a few pages, I stopped on Grant's section. That cheerful smile from him as a little boy was gone. He looked so serious. I tilted my head to the side. Max looked a lot like them.

Reading the different captions, I found the photo of Hector when he was little with his two younger sisters. This happy pup would turn into a human-hating alpha. I turned to the next section and frowned at the stern face human. The werewolf picture of him was even worse. He looked ready to kill.

I skimmed through the pages and found Andreas as a young pup. They were cute when they were little, I'd admit that. Thumbing through the pages, I wondered what Max look like as a pup. I went to the last section. Andreas was pictured with his mate. On the next page was an image of his sister holding a small black pup in her lap. I smiled to myself.

Max had a big toothy grin on his face. Too bad he grew out of that cute phase and turned into a dominant werewolf.

"Jax!" The bedroom door closed. "Jax, where are you?"

I slammed the book shut and sat forward in my seat.

Max walked into the sitting area that was attached to our room. "How'd it go with Clark?" He leaned against the walkway frame.

I shrugged. "I found out I'm mating into a family where the majority of the people hate me. Not to mentions, werewolves are impossible to tell apart."

He laughed. "It gets easier. Smell also helps."

"I suppose." I sunk down into my seat.

Max walked over and sat on the table that had all the books spread across it. "Clark said you took everything pretty well. You were little overwhelmed by all the names, but it is a lot to know."

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.

His hand landed on my shoulder and moved to my cheek.

I peered into his deep brown eyes. Was this it?

"You're going to be stunning."

Letting out a shaky breath, I looked away. "Will I be able to walk?"

Max shook his head. "It'll take some work to build up your muscles. Your body will take some time to recover."

"But one day?" I wiped my nose. "I might be able to, right?"

He nodded and leaned down to my level. "You'll be able to walk, and then run."

I tried not to smile but was failing. "I can't remember what's it like to move around on my own."

"They say a human born's first moon feeling like being reborn. For you, it'll feel even more so." Max picked me up.

"Are you going to stay like this?" I brushed my finger along his fur.

Max shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you. It's already going to be a little painful because you're a virgin."

I scoffed at the comment. "I'm used to pain, Max. I might look like a delicate flower, but I know what pain is."

He laid me down on the bed. "I'm going to take that way." He rubbed his thumb across my cheek. "I'm so excited to get to see you."

"Can I see you as human?" I peered up at the werewolf.

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