Chapter 5: Damage Control

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Hector wouldn't look at me. He kept writing in his notebook. I knew better to say anything before he spoke; even Andreas had learned to keep his mouth shut. I just stood in front of the alpha's desk and waited. Even at my age, I felt like I was back in grade school, and it was still as terrifying. Andreas sat on the couch behind me, picking at the fur above his eye.

It was a waiting game, and I was an expert at it.

Hector cleared his throat before slowly closing his notebook and putting the lid on his pen. The alpha moved everything to the side and clasped his hand on the desk. His gaze slowly rose and met mine.

"We're finally able to welcome a new pup into this family and it ended in a brawl."

I swallowed hard.

"You bloodied Judah's nose."

Bowing my head, I let out a deep breath. There was a large stain on my robe from it as well.

"The next alpha of Wolfsbane, and you punched him?" The alpha eyed me. "Lucky his mother was with Hannah, or you would've had the alpha of Wolfsbane joining in on your fight last night."

"The brat deserved it," breathed Andreas.

Hector pointed at his son. "Amber and Judah will serve during your time as alpha. Having a good relationship with them is important to this pack and a major responsibility."

"He still deserved it."

"Andreas," stated the alpha.

He sat up and turned to his father. "The pup is barely an adult and thinks he came into my home and insulted my family, I firmly believed he deserved it." Looking at me, he shrugged. "Sorry, I wasn't there, Fallon."

"Enough," snapped Hector. "We are not encouraging this behavior. Not now, and not when you are alpha. This was an embarrassment to the pack and Rudy. It was his day."

Andreas scoffed. "Fights are common, Dad. It's weird when there isn't one."

Hector breathed out through his nose. "Why are you even here? I asked to talk to Fallon and you came along with him for no reason."

"I am going to be taking over very soon," replied Andreas.

"I get to decide that and if you don't start showing some initiative, I'll push off my succession until next year, or the year after that."

"Yeah, right. Mom is done. She's tired and already looking at summer homes. She'll make you retire."

The alpha sat up straight. "Judah is nineteen if I remember correctly. His age gives him an excuse for acting like an entitled pup throwing a fit because he didn't get what he wanted. At thirty-seven, I'd expect you to have grown up a little."

Clenching his jaw, Andreas shifted in his seat. "Are we going to start this again?"

"Until I see some changes, yes," said the alpha firmly.

I could feel the tension rising between them and inches out of view. "Um... I'll apologize to Judah and Amber."

"Excellent," said Hector. "Taking responsibility, like a goddamn adult."

"Fuck you," said Andreas.

Swallowing hard, I backed up toward the door. "I can go and start on it right now. I'll write a letter to make it more personal."

"Even better."

I noticed ink staining the alpha's hand from the pen he had snapped in half. "If you'd excuse me." Hurrying to the door, I slipped into the hall and quickly closed it.

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