Chapter 12: Being Special

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"Hi, I'm Rudy." I waved.

"Hello, Rudy. I'm going to be your teacher this year. Are you ready for second grade?"

I nodded and lifted up my bag. "I brought my stuff."

"Great. Your desk is right over there." She pointed. "You can go and put your things away if you want."

My mom moved behind me and grabbed my shoulders. "Did they let you know about Rudy's condition?"

Why did she always have to talk about that? Frowning, I glanced at my brother. Snatching Drake's hand, I pulled him over to my desk. I found the one with my name on it and sat on the ground.

"This is your room?" Drake looked around.

"Yeah, this is the second-grader hall. You're in the kindergarten one."

He helped me cram everything into my desk.

"Rudy, Drake." My mom walked over and shook her head. "Really? It's about to fall out." She knelt and fixed it.

I zipped up my bookbag. "Mommy, why do you have to tell everyone I'm broken?"

She grabbed my chin. "You're not broken."

"I still can't shift."

"I can!" Drake threw his arms in the air and closed his eyes.

"Drake!" My mother snatched my brother as he turned into a naked boy. "I told you. Humans have to wear clothes. Change back."

He did so and grinned at her. "I get to go to school, too. I learned, so now I can go to school."

"That's right." She smoothed out his fur. "But no shifting to human unless you have clothes on. Okay?"

"Okay, mommy."

She turned to me and sighed. "Mommy worries about you. I can't help it." She grabbed my chin. "So, I have to make sure the teachers understand how special you are."

"I'd rather know how to shift than me special."

"One day, Rudy." She stood. "I think it's Drake's turn to meet his teacher."

"Yeah!" He ran for the door. "Come on, come on. It's my turn."

I took my mom's hand. After waving to my teacher, I went into the hall. Drake ran circles around us. I didn't feel like playing. It wasn't fair that my little brother learned to shift before me. Why wasn't he stuck as a werewolf since I was stuck as a human?


My head snapped up. "Case!" I ran down the hall and hugged my friend.

"Did you talk to your teacher?"

I nodded. "You're not in my class."

"We can still play at recess." He lifted up his bag. "Look at this one. It's Super Red doing his superpower punch!" Case threw his fist into the air.

"Cool!" I showed him my bookbag. "I got the mini bots on mine with Big Blue. And—and look what came with it." I took out the pencil case that had bots all over it.

"Mine has one of those." Case groaned. "My mom made me put it in my desk."

My mom tapped my shoulder. "Let's go, Rudy. Drake has waited long enough. You can play with Case on Monday."

"Bye." I waved and jogged after them.

"Bye." He went to his mom who was talking to other adults.

"Why can't Case be in my class this year, too?"

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