Chapter 17: Left Alone (Milo)

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I sat on the bed as Collin gave his sister the final instructions.

"I've talked to Milo. He is not to leave my room. Alright?"

Miss Arianna sighed.

"I mean it. It's hard enough that I have leave him here by himself but I better not find out you've been parading him around. Keep your friends away from him. There are too many things that could go wrong." Collin pushed back his head fur. "If mom comes home, you tell her she's not allowed near him. I swear to go if she puts one hand on—"

"Collin," she breathed, "calm down. She's your mother. You're going to have to face her one day and she's going to want to see Milo at some point."

"Not until I get home." He lifted a finger. "She's not talking to me right now so I'm not going to chance it."

"Wonder why," muttered Arianna. "I'm going to keep an eye on him, okay. Stop worrying. He'll sit in your room likes he's been doing since the moment he shifted and I'll make sure he's fed and water." She arched a brow. "It's like you got a new pet rather than a mate."

Collin narrowed his eyes as his ears folded back. "Be careful, Ari."

"You're so uptight." She gave her brother a dismissive wave. "Having a sub for a brother-in-law was supposed to be fun. You've killed it with all these rules." She left the room.

Sliding off the bed, I went to my mate's side. I was still getting used to how my feet worked in this form but it didn't hurt anymore, at least. I smiled up at the black werewolf and grabbed his hand.

"You'll be good while I'm gone." He put his arm around me.

I nodded.

"No acts of rebellion I should be worried about, right?"

"No," I smiled. "I'll wait right here until you come back." I hugged him around the waist.

He chuckled and nuzzled the top of my head. "Obedience is the one thing I never have to worry about with you." He tipped my muzzle up to him. "Little acts of rebellion are okay, you know. It's common for the sub to start to test their mate."

I frowned. "No, I'll wait here until you come home." I buried my face in his chest. "Going out there terrifies me. I feel more vulnerable now as a werewolf than I did as a slave."

Collin leaned down to my level. "My mother isn't going to hurt you. You are a werewolf now. You're fully registered. I made sure of that. She'd be punished not just by me but the leadership if she were to harm you while I'm away."

With a sigh, I bowed my head. I was still scared. She was a strong woman and clearly outranked me.

"Hey"—Collin smiled—"when I get back, how about I teach you how to take human and wolf form."

I sucked in my lips and tried not to seem too excited. The thought of being able to run around on all fours like a wolf sounded kind of cool. "Does it hurt?"

He shook his head. "From what I've been told, it does a tiny bit but only the first few times. You'll body will become accustomed to it and then it won't hurt at all. I don't feel a thing when I do it."

Letting out a deep breath, I hugged my mate tightly. "Be safe. Hopefully, training isn't as bad as you make it sound."

Collin rubbed the back of his neck. "It's nothing I can't handle. Though, it does feel like sometimes they're trying to kill us off."

I rubbed my arm. That didn't sound good. Collin was the only thing keeping me safe in this world. If something were to happen to him, his mother would find some way to get rid of me.

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