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Angelo's heart vaulted up in his chest, as he heard a thud sound of collapsing in his proximity. His feet veered back in their tracks before he could step inside the room. And all the outrage vanished off, and concern and trepidation set out on his face when he witnessed Noah had fainted on the floor. His feet rushed over to him. He knelt down and leaned forward as his hand reached to hold out his arm. He was stunned when the heat of Noah's body seeped into his skin. He touched his face, it's like he was burning in fire. He checked his pulses and found them weak. An aggravated grunt rumbled into his chest, he was exasperated with himself for disregarding his emotions completely 'cause he was sheathing in his madness.

Awhile, did he believe Noah was that grim bastard who had killed a lot of people with brutality that nothing could make him faze? No. the shattering pieces of flesh would not sicken that kind of person while he had been throwing up as he had never witnessed such a brutal sight before in his life. For once, it did not occur to him that this incident might have left him overwhelmed with shock and fear- and he stressed over that much it put him in that state.

He hurried up to pick him up in his arms. He could feel the heat of his body while he carried him to the bed and laid him down carefully.

The ocean blue eyes teeming with worry regarded him. He touched face.
He couldn't make out his face in the dim light before. It was crimson, sweating, he was burning terribly with a high fever.

He slapped him lightly to wake him while calling his name continuously. But still, he did not get any response from the unconscious guy.

Therefore he leaped up and darted into the kitchen to fetch some water while at the same time, he jerked his phone out from his pants pocket and without any delay, he called Dario, a family doctor. He told him to come immediately as he explained Noah's condition, and he hung up the call and put his phone away on the nightstand.

He sat down beside him as he sprinkled the drops of water over his face and shook him lightly again until his amber eyes slightly opened and he was disoriented and agitated, trying to understand his situation. Angelo took a breath of relief.

He kissed on the side of his forehead. When he was halfway retreating himself Noah rose to embrace him tightly, wrapping his arms around his neck, and breathing in the crook of his neck.

Angelo put the glass on the bedside and looked back the pitch-black head, he called him, "Noah?" To his amusement, Noah clung to him urgently "I.. am sorry, I am sorry.... I am sorry, Angelo...please, don't hate me." His voice ruffled and unrefined, as he murmured through his neck, "I-i will do anything you say, please... Don't leave me, Angelo."

Angelo was angry. Heck! He was literally boiling with rage on him a few minutes earlier, but he could never think of leaving him, let alone say it to him. He felt his T-shirt soggy. Noah was crying. He didn't seem himself as he was dazed by the belief, Angelo would hate him or leave him.

He pulled him away with a little force as he'd been displaying the kind of strength he did not have at the moment, and kept saying sorry.

Angelo looked at him, tears rolling down his scarlet face as he continued with his quivering lips, "I am sorry... Angelo."

"Shh-shh," Angelo hushed him with his forefinger on his soft lips, and he looked into upset hysterical eyes focused on him. "You need to shut up when I am not leaving you."

"B-but I screwed up and.. Made you angry," Noah spoke quietly through his finger.

He drew away his finger and rubbed off the tears on his face. "Noah, I am not angry with you and also I am not leaving you. You got it?" He assured him and Noah nodded.

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