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Thunder rumbled into the dark clouds across the Katherine mansion, and the rain continued to pour down. Noah's knuckles turned white as his grip tightened around the handle ring of his black umbrella.

He remained behind the throng of mourners. Holding the black umbrellas, hundreds of mourners gathered in the rear of the mansion in the enormous garden for the burial ceremony, where Angelo's mother was buried once, and now a more spot was made for a family member. One by one many mourners would come forward to throw a fistful of dirt and flowers on the top of the casket.

But he hadn't made himself visible to anyone. He didn't have the courage to see her and her family. Her death was real for everyone, who was not aware of the truth, this fact wouldn't change for anyone who cherished and adored her.

He wouldn't have come to the funeral if Angelo wouldn't be departing for Italy to find Antonio. that's why, he needed to talk to Angelo, even though the time wasn't a felicitous occasion to tell him the truth, especially since he had no one with him for moral support. He didn't bring Leo with him, he left him sleeping. And he expected Augustus with him, but he couldn't find Augustus among the mourners, not with his family. He was an important person when he was Angelo's brother, who Angelo could trust when he would tell him the truth. He wondered if he refused to come here since he believed that she was not dead.

By the time the burial ceremony was completed, it was drizzling and the mourners went back inside the house. But Angelo remained with his umbrella. Noah watched his back. Suddenly, the almost fifteen-meter gap between them felt rather far. His heart skipped a beat the moment Angelo turned to him. He was aware of his presence. His long stride trudged to approach him.

Noah's calm and hefty steps advanced toward him and they paused a step away. 'Angelo, how are you?' Those words didn't come over his lips when he knew he was not fine. His heart was cumbersome, the man had been impassive all this time, and yet despair of his sister's death was displayed on his weary face more than words could explain.

He spoke, "She loved children so much that she wanted to be an obstetrician. It relieved me that she was not on the same dark path I had chosen for myself...but I forgot it couldn't change the fact where she came from." His blue laden with grief and guilt looked into the amber eyes. "I cannot stop thinking that It was my fault, she died. It should have been me... not her."

"It wasn't your fault," Noah said compassionately and ruefully.

"Your words wouldn't change the fact." The man watched him as he continued to speak, "When you jumped to save me from the suicidal bomber, I wondered how can someone love me so much to put his life in danger. But you were there who would do anything for me. Even though I claimed I didn't trust you, there was no distrust either." And he was ready to give him a chance to prove himself, therefore asked him, "Tell me, did you know she was going to be abducted? Did you know she was going to be killed? Answer me?"

If Noah admitted to Angelo that he had known all these things, then no explanation would be enough for Angelo to accept him.

He closed his eyes, a rush of cold coated his palms with a thought of telling everything to him in this moment, and he opened his eyes straight ahead and watched the man, holding the black umbrella, as he waited for him to reveal, if he had betrayed him or not. And he divulged, "Before anything, I want to say, I'm not trying to save Antonio, I am trying to save you because you are in a deep slumber."

Angelo had heard from Augustus, telling him that he was in deep slumber. However, before explaining anything, he'd passed out, because of a sudden drop in his sugar level. Angelo took him to the compound infirmary, and he gained consciousness after a while, Angelo told him to rest as they could talk later, who would have thought there wouldn't be any later.

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