Untitled Part 3

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Katsuki stomped into the kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked goods wafting through the air. His nose led him to his sister, Fuyumi, stationed at the counter with a mixing bowl and a phone propped up playing a video. A woman with a vivacious smile and impeccable makeup filled the screen, her voice a symphony of enthusiasm.

"And THAT is how you nail the perfect winged liner, lovelies!" the woman, identified as Camie, cheered.

Katsuki's brows furrowed as he glanced at the screen. "What's this garbage?" he grunted, pointing at the phone.

Fuyumi's eyes widened. "Don't you know? That's Camie! She's from around here and she's made it big as a beauty guru on social media!" Her voice was tinged with awe.

Katsuki gave the screen another skeptical glance. "Why would anyone care about someone slapping paint on their face?"

Fuyumi turned towards him, placing her hands on her hips. "It's about self-expression and creativity! Plus, it's really exciting to see a local girl do so well!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, then switched gears. "Anyway, I'm headed over to see dad and Inasa. I'll be back later to head out with everyone."

Fuyumi's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. "Oh! Could you please do me a favor?" She pushed a small bag of cookies toward him. "Give these to Inasa and ask him to pass them along to Camie. I heard they're friends!"

Katsuki snatched the bag, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Great, I'm the cookie courier now."

Fuyumi gave him a stern look, and Katsuki caved with a grunt. "Fine. I'll do it."

As he turned to leave, Fuyumi shouted after him, "And don't eat them on the way!"

Katsuki just shot her a look that could curdle milk before slamming the door behind him. He reluctantly admitted being the cookie courier was better than watching makeup tutorials.

With the bag of cookies in hand, Katsuki made his way to Inasa's place, unaware that this seemingly mundane errand was going to take a turn he hadn't expected.

Katsuki's boots clicked on the linoleum floor as he marched into the police station. The desk clerk, an older woman with spectacles sliding down her nose, waved him through without a word. As Katsuki passed, his eyes caught on a corkboard pinned with photographs and notes, the bold header reading "Nana Shimura Murder Investigation."

His pulse quickened as he scanned the photos. He'd been following this case since it hit the news. His gaze snagged on a picture of an intricate feather, seemingly from the crime scene. He frowned. He hadn't noticed that detail before. Annoyance nipped at him; how could he have missed that?

Beside the feather, there was a photograph of blue fibers, with an image of a high-end shirt next to it. Katsuki's eyes landed on three pictures - Nana's ex was circled twice, and two crossed-out pictures, one of which was Izuku. The other guy, Goto. Katsuki's frustration heightened. Izuku's footprint had made him a suspect - why cross him out now?

"Oi, old man!" Katsuki barked, snapping his father, Enji, out of whatever paperwork trance he was in. Enji, a mountain of a man, looked as if he was trying to cram himself into a desk made for ants.

"What're you doing here, brat?" Enji grumbled, peering up at his son with annoyance.

Katsuki jerked his thumb at the board. Enji sighed and ushered Katsuki away. A smirk tugged at Katsuki's lips—the old man had given up trying to keep him out of the loop.

As they moved through the precinct, Katsuki spotted another behemoth hunched over a tiny desk—Inasa. "Hey, Windbag!" Katsuki shouted in greeting.

Inasa's face brightened, his broad smile making Katsuki's insult seem like a compliment. Katsuki tossed the bag of cookies to Inasa, who caught it effortlessly.

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