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Jungkook’s mother constantly belittled Taehyung and made him feel like he wasn't good enough for her son.

There were times when she would comment about his looks and the child he was carrying.

This caused immense stress and anxiety for Taehyung, and finally, she poured papaya juice into his milkshake unknown to the pregnant male.

Taehyung headed towards bed as he finished drinking his milkshake bought by his husband since he had once blurted out to Jimin on the phone that he craved milkshake, not knowing Jungkook overheard and bought it.

Taehyung appreciated the act, not voicing it out but rather silently accepting it since it was a milkshake.

Both males were silently laying on the bed with thoughts running through their heads, with Taehyung laying on his side to support the small bump.

Without knowing a storm was coming, they both slept.

Taehyung woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in his stomach.

At first, he tried to ignore it, thinking it was just indigestion from the spicy food he had eaten earlier in the day.

But the pain kept getting worse, and he started to feel light-headed and dizzy.

He got out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom, hoping to find some relief.

But as soon as he sat down on the toilet, he felt something warm and wet between his legs.

He looked down and saw blood, lots of it, staining his pajama pants and the bathroom floor.

He screamed out for his husband, Jungkook, but there was no answer.

He tried to stand up, but his legs gave out, and he fell to the ground.

He felt like he was drowning in a sea of pain and blood.

He knew what was happening to him.

He was having a miscarriage.

“N-no, please.”

To be continued

When his cold husband cared for him after he had a miscarriage.Where stories live. Discover now