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He was having a miscarriage.

“N-no, please.”

Taehyung cries out, holding onto his bump, somehow trying to protect his baby boy.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook were overjoyed when they found out they were having a boy.

But now that dream was slipping away from them, and Taehyung felt like a failure.

He couldn't protect his unborn child, and he felt like he had let Jungkook down.

He heard a noise outside the bathroom door, and then he heard Jungkook's voice, frantic and worried.

"Taehyung, what's happening? Are you okay?"

Taehyung wanted to scream out the truth, but the pain was too much, and words failed him.

Jungkook burst through the door, saw the blood on the floor, and froze.

"Jungkook o-our baby b-boy, something is wrong with him."

Taehyung managed to say.

Jungkook raced to the phone, but he couldn't remember the emergency number.

“Take deep breaths, darling, yeah.”

Jungkook spoke as he wiped Taehyung’s forehead to get rid of the sweat.

He fumbled with the buttons, his mind clouded with panic and fear.

Taehyung lay on the floor, his eyes closed, praying that he and Jungkook would make it through this.

The ambulance arrived, and the paramedics rushed Taehyung to the hospital, with Jungkook following close behind.

In the hospital, Taehyung underwent an emergency procedure to save his life.

The surge of blood loss was too much, and he had to be treated quickly.

Jungkook sat in the waiting room, his heart in his throat, praying for Taehyung's survival.

Hours passed, and finally, a doctor came out and told Jungkook that Taehyung was stable, but he had lost the baby.

Jungkook's face crumpled in grief as he heard the news.

He wanted to go to Taehyung to hold him and tell him that they would try again, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

He found Taehyung in a hospital bed, a pale shadow of his former self.

He looked at Jungkook, his eyes filled with sorrow and pain.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkook," Taehyung whispers softly as tears roll down his eyes.

"I failed you."

Jungkook took Taehyung's hand, his own face wet with tears.

"You didn't fail me, love," Jungkook said.

"We lost the baby, but we still have each other. And we can try again. Together, but until you are fully healed."

Taehyung was too ill to comprehend what his husband was saying.

“B-but you married me for a h-heir.”

Taehyung spoke as tears left his eyes. On the other hand, Jungkook was confused about what he was speaking about.

“Who told you that, Taehyung?”

Jungkook asked, taken back by what his husband was saying.

He swears to God that if his mother has something to do with this, she would see a bad side of him.

“I-I overheard your conversation w-with y-your mom.”

Taehyung cried as she felt pathetic for not fulfilling one thing Jungkook wanted, a heir.

“Taehyung did you listen to the full conversation?" cause if you did , you would've heard me saying I wanted us to know each other before planning for kids, love.”

“w-what, I-I am so s-sorry.”

Taehyung sobbed as they held each other, knowing that they had been through a traumatic experience but that they would survive it.

They would grieve their loss, but they would also hope for the future.

And as they looked at each other, through tears and pain, they knew that their bond was stronger than anything, even a miscarriage in the middle of the night.

But Jungkook was bothered.

He had some doubts, which he is going to clear later.

To be continued

I'll give some explanation on why Jungkook behaved the way he did so you can understand in the next chapter.

When his cold husband cared for him after he had a miscarriage.Where stories live. Discover now