chapter five

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Chapter 5. Dead or Alive

I still vividly remember what just happened. A girl, seeking revenge on me just like Owen, pushed me onto the road. It was already too late for me to move as the truck approached and collided with me.

I can clearly recall that I died just seconds ago.

So why? Why did I suddenly wake up in this strange place? No, scratch that. It should be-how is it possible that I'm still alive?

As my eyes opened, I found myself lying in a large, soft, and comfortable bed. I realized I was inside a grand and elegant room. This doesn't look like a hospital at all.

The room was still dim, as the curtains were closed. I scanned the surroundings, but no matter how I thought about it, it was impossible for me to be in a hospital right now.

But if I'm not in a hospital, then where the hell am I?

I moved aside the blanket that was wrapped around me earlier, but I paused as I noticed my hand and arm.

When did my skin color become so pale? It looks smaller and thinner than usual.


I startled myself with the sound of my own voice. No, this doesn't sound like my voice. Why did my voice suddenly change? It's not just my voice; my entire body feels different.

I instinctively covered my mouth when I heard my voice. No. This doesn't sound like my voice. Why did my voice all of a sudden change? Not just my voice, but my whole body feels different.

I reached for my hair, and my eyes widened as I felt how smooth it was. As far as I remember, my hair was only shoulder-length, but this hair... it's longer than that.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I got out of bed and hurriedly made my way to the full-body mirror I saw next to the vanity area.

As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I froze like a stone.

Who in the world am I seeing in the mirror right now?

Long, wavy, platinum blonde hair. Ruby-colored eyes. Beautiful, long eyelashes. Light pink, thin lips. A pointed nose. A round face shape and a V-shaped jawline.

I took a step back from the mirror, accidentally knocking over a flower vase on the table behind me, creating a loud noise.

It didn't take a minute before people started rushing into the room.

The first and only person who dared to come near me was a young lady in her early 20s, wearing a maid's uniform.

She rushed towards me, a worried expression on her face, different from the other maids who entered at the same time.

The other maids looked down, as if they were... scared?

"My Lady! What happened? Are you hurt? Let me see your hands."

I turned to the maid who quickly, yet gently, took hold of my hand and carefully inspected my body for any wounds or injuries.

After ensuring that I didn't have any cuts or bruises from the shattered flower vase, she sighed in relief.

"It's a good thing that my Lady didn't get hurt."

Her concern felt genuine. My heart fluttered as she spoke those words. No one has ever spoken to me like that before. No one has ever shown genuine worry for me. I always projected a tough Aria personality to prevent them from worrying. So hearing those words felt strange-in a good way, at least.

"Camille, why are you still standing there? Quickly get the broom and clean up the broken vase," I snapped back to reality after hearing those words.

"Y-Yes, Miss Mira," Camille, the maid who had been called, replied before quickly walking out of the room to retrieve cleaning supplies for the broken vase.

It was my fault that the vase broke, yet someone else would be the one cleaning it for me.

But what kind of setup is this? Why do I keep sensing a noble atmosphere?

Now that I think about it, doesn't this maid uniform resemble the ones maids wore in historical-fantasy anime and comics that I used to read?

Even this entire room gives off a similar vibe.

"My Lady, why aren't you speaking? Are you alright? Are you feeling unwell?"

I turned to Mira, the woman addressed by Camille earlier.

Wait a minute. I noticed this before, but now is the first time I mention it.

Why are they speaking in English all the time? And with such a fluent accent. Isn't it common for half of the Filipino population to speak English with a Carabao accent? When did they learn to speak with accents?

Is this some kind of show? A prank? Are there hidden cameras somewhere?

"Ah... My Lady, is there something you're looking for?"

I shook my head in response to Mira's question.

That's weird. I can't see any cameras placed in the corners of this room.

I turned around, and once again, my face was reflected in the mirror. So, the face I saw earlier wasn't a hallucination. It's really real.

"Mira..." I called.

I'm still not used to hearing my voice sound like this when I speak.

"Yes, My Lady?"

I let out a deep sigh before facing her again. As I turned to face her, I asked her one question.

"Who am I?"

And her answer was something I never expected to hear in my entire life.

"You are the second child, the first and only daughter of the Lord of this land, Count Steven Clorance. My Lady's name is Cassia Clorance."

To be Continued...

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