chapter thirteen

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Chapter 13. The Count's Return

🌹 ━━・❪ Two Days Ago ❫ ・━━ 🌹

At this very moment, I find myself in the Clorance Manor's Garden. Why, you may ask? Well, it's all because of what transpired just an hour ago.

"My Lady..."

I paused my reading and lowered the book, eager to see the face behind the voice. By now, I'm becoming more familiar with the voices of those around me as time goes on.

When I spotted Mira standing before me, holding a tray of Earl Grey tea and the cookies I had requested earlier, I smiled and temporarily closed my book. However, my smile vanished as I observed the expression on her face, causing my brows to furrow.

"Is something troubling you, Mira?" I couldn't help but inquire, sensing that she wanted to share something with me but was holding back.

Mira remained silent, but her face clearly indicated that she wished to speak. I suppose my ability to read people's expressions and emotions, honed during my time in the real world, can still come in handy in this new realm.

I let out a deep sigh. "Mira, look at me," I instructed, more as a gentle request than a command. After all, I didn't want to startle her.

Mira lifted her head, and as our eyes met, I offered her a warm smile.

"Mira, I hope you understand that I have no desire to devour people - I don't even entertain thoughts of consuming human flesh. It's utterly repulsive. So, if there's something you wish to tell me, please do. Understood?"

She nodded. "Yes, my lady."

"Good. But seriously, do I give off even the slightest hint of being a young lady who feasts on humans?" I asked, attempting to inject some humor and lighten the atmosphere.

Mira's tense expression eased, and her lips curved into a faint smile. How endearing!

"Now, what is it?" I redirected our conversation back to the initial topic.

"Well, my lady, I was simply curious about something."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"I've noticed that you've been spending most of your time in your chambers or the library these past few days. Have you not considered venturing outside and attending tea parties hosted by other noble young ladies?"

I paused mid-bite of a macaroon upon hearing Mira's words. It hit me like a weighty stone, triggering a flood of realizations about Cassia's character from the novel rushing back into my mind.

Cassia de Clorance, the sole daughter of Count Steven Clorance, held a significant position within the Clorance family. Being the only female descendant in the family bloodline, she carried the title of "The Clorance's Only Lady," which brought her considerable renown.

However, her fame extended beyond her lineage. Cassia was a prominent figure in high society, keeping herself abreast of the latest offerings the world had to offer: exquisite dresses, dazzling jewelry, elegant footwear, and more. The Clorance family possessed an immense fortune-so vast, in fact, that they could squander it with little regard, as if tossing away a mere scrap of paper.

How could I have forgotten such an important detail? I can't afford to panic. I must remain calm and find a way to navigate through this. Mira couldn't possibly suspect anything, could she?

I looked up at Mira, and she appeared genuinely concerned, her face reflecting her worry.

What is she thinking right now?

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