chapter sixteen

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Chapter 16. The Dedicated Butler

After Cassia excused herself on leaving just after greeting him because she was feeling unwell, the Count felt something strange in his chest.

The Count, he was expecting to see his daughter, Cassia, to have her face smiling brightly while looking at him - like she used to. Handing him a gift she had chosen joyfully like it was the favorite and best thing she would want to do.

But this time, it was different. She was different. The sweet daughter he had was there no more. There was no more warmth in her eyes when she looks at him. Rather, it was stone cold.

And he saw that very clearly. The way how Cassia's expression instantly changes as he walked towards her. She was in fact smiling at the Maids when they were praising her looks. The simple yet vibrant dress she was wearing greatly complimented her skin tone, as well as the light make up that was put on her face making her look young yet somehow mature in a way - but nonetheless, she looked pretty.

Seeing how his daughter was delighted and somehow flustered by the compliments and praises that she received from the Manor Staffs, the Count thought of giving her outfit a praise as well.

He wanted to somehow do something about their relationship, as father and daughter. He wanted to make it up to his daughter. All of those acts similar to abandonment, he wanted to change. Because he was so scared of the dream he had coming to reality.

But what reaction that he saw coming from her. He wasn't expecting that. He wasn't expecting the cold and indifferent attitude that his daughter just gave him a few minutes ago.

What's more important that he can't get out of his mind. Was that, she had greeted me so formally like she wasn't my daughter rather, it was like she wasn't related to me for her to address me by the title of the Count of the Clorance.

He felt the distance his daughter was upbringing with that attitude. It was like building a big wall between them. And thinking about that, something banged on his chest making him unconsciously clench his fist.

What was I even thinking? The Count utter in the back of his head. Wasn't this what I had wanted?

Truthfully, he remembers one incident. An incident that happened which he regretted the moment he got his head straight and emotions back in shape.

It happened a year ago on the Count's birthday. However, no celebrations were taking place on that day, as the Count was engrossed in his work, meticulously examining papers and going through the documents scattered across his office table.

Suddenly, a knock echoed from the door, interrupting his focused concentration. Assuming it was his loyal butler, Philip, who often scolded him for being too engrossed in work, the Count impatiently instructed the person outside to leave, citing his busy schedule.

"A-Ah... I'm sorry, Father. I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll leave now," a timid voice responded from the other side of the door.

The Count halted immediately, realizing the sincerity in the girl's voice. He paused his review of the paper he was reading and swiftly rose from his seat.

"No, it's okay. Come in," the Count warmly invited the girl, his tone softened by empathy and curiosity, as she timidly emerged from outside his office door.

The Count sat back properly from his seat. He tried acting as if he was reading the papers on his hand but in reality, he was using his peripheral view to see how the door slowly opened and a small figure of fragile looking little girl came into his view. It was none other than his one and only daughter, Cassia.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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