18.5 (Blinded)

713 26 16

Jake Pov:

I woke up to my baby fast asleep in my arms, she hadn't moved a muscle from the last night.

I smiled down at her as I gently rubbed her back and played with her hair, I didn't like mornings very much, because I knew it meant I had to get up from this heaven.

She shuffled around a little bit snuggling even closer to making me chuckle.

I stroked her hair gently playing with her ear until her eyes started to flutter open.

"Good morning darling.." I say running my hands along her back gently trying to soothe her awake.

"Mm," She said snuggling back into my chest.

"I know my baby is sleepy, but we need to get ready for school," I say pulling her up into my lap

"Five more minutes," She said wrapping her legs around me burying he head into my neck clinging onto me so tightly.

I placed soft little kisses all over her shoulder as she slowly tried to wake herself up.

I leave little kisses on her neck trying not to disturb her as she's waking up but I can't help myself.

I look down and notice a tiny spot on her neck


"Why don't you let me do your hair this morning?" I say kissing the side of her head.

She nodded and I gently placed her down onto the bed, getting up and walking into the bathroom to grab her hair brush and a hair tie.

I came back and say behind her on the bed gently brushing her long hair as she leaned her back against my chest.

I pulled her hair into a loose low ponytail kissing her head before giving the ends one last comb through.

She turned around hugging me again before standing up and walking toward the bathroom

"Ow!" I look up to see my baby holding her foot while hopping on the other.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" I say standing up and walking over to her.

"I stubbed my toe" She said pouting at me making me giggle.

"Where are those pretty little glasses of yours?" I sigh

"...I don't know" She said before walking into the bathroom and brushing her teeth.


"Yes love?" I ask.

"What's this?" She says turing her head in the mirror.

"Uhhhhh" I chuckle nervously making her smile

"I'm gonna go over here!" I say walking out of the bathroom making her giggle


I walk away back into the bedroom and open the nightstand find them shoved behind some tissues and a book.

"Look what I found?" I say dangling the glasses i front of her as she spits the toothpaste out of her mouth.

"Oh!.. good uh you found them, I'll put them on after I get dressed." She says trying to walk past me.

I grab onto her waist tightly so she couldn't move making her whine.

"What?" She says looking away.

"I know you." I sigh.

"I know you don't like your glasses, why?" I ask her pulling her back onto my lap on the bed.

"They aren't comfortable!" she huffed.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I don't think that's it baby" I say running her arm.

"Fine, they don't actually work-"


"They make me look bad!" She finally shouts

"Baby, why didn't you tell me you felt like this sooner? Is that why you haven't been wearing them lately??" I ask holding her tighter

She just nodded and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Princess, you don't look bad in them!"

"You're just saying that.."

I sigh

"I wouldn't lie to you darling, I think you look a so stunning in them" I say gently rocking her

"And I mean that babygirl, I think they make you look.. very well," I whispered something her ear making her blush and giggle.

"You promise?" She said into my neck.

"I meant every word" I say while opening the glasses and sliding them on her face making her smile.

"Your eyes are so pretty," she says looking up at me.

"That's because you can see them" I laugh as she playfully punches me.

I Kiss the temple of her head and get up to help her pick out and outfit.

She left a few outfits in one of my drawers since she spends the night every now and then.

I pulled out a cute denim skirt and one of my favorite hoodies, giving it a light spritz of my perfume.

I motioned for her to come sit at the bed of the bed as I helped her take off the clothes she slept in.

"Here baby," I say lifting the hoodie from the night before off as well as socks. "let's try this hoodie" I say giving her collarbone a quick kiss before pulling it over her head.

She smiled up at me.

"Do you like this skirt?" I say holding up the denim skirt I picked out, she smiled and nodded as I kneeled by the bed.

"Okay love, one leg at a time I don't want you to fall"

She holds onto my shoulders for support as she steps into the skirt and I pull it up around her waist zipping it up.

I grabbed her chunky sneakers and slid them on her foot before lacing them up.

"There we go" I say smiling up at her

"I'm so lucky to have you" She said sighing.

"You're lucky to have me?" I chuckle. "I think that's the other way around,"

"You're like my prince, my night in shining armor" she giggles kissing my forehead.

"A prince is nothing without his princess my darling" I say kissing her Jaw line, making her giggle.

"Would you like me to make my princess a coffee before we head out?" I ask pulling her up from the bed.

She nodded and held my hand as we walked to the kitchen.

"I love you babygirl, I can't wait until I can wake up with you like this every morning" I say sighing

"Me too Jake" She says, "Soon enough we will" She giggling playfully showing off her promise ring, making me smiles

Might as well be an engagement ring.

Because lord am I going to marry her.

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