19. Shattered

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Jay Pov:

I woke up the next morning and noticed I had some notification on my phone.

I almost didn't want to look, afraid that Leah never responded to me.

I sighed and sat up in bed stretching before flipping over my phone.


Leah: Hi, yes sorry, I got home okay :) I'm sorry about running off, can I make it up to you?

Me: You're okay, Why don't you come over for lunch today?

Leah: I'd love that, i'll see you at 1:00

Me: Okay :)


I sighed and smiled. Maybe this time it will go better.

I opened my door and walked out into the kitchen to grab some juice and toast for breakfast.

I yawned and noticed jakes door was open.

I went over to close it when I looked inside and saw Nari completely suffocating Jake.

How did her leg end up around his neck...

I shake my head laughing at them before closing the door behind me.

I combed my hair and got dressed into a simple outfit and sighed looking into the mirror.

Jake Pov:

My eyes fluttered open, looking up at the ceiling,
I looked down to see naris knee on my throat.

No wonder I can't breathe.

I gently push her leg off of me smiling down at how cute she was in her sleep.

No seriously how is she upside down.

I giggle, and leaned down to kiss her forehead, making her eyebrows squint.

"Hi baby~" I say brushing the hair out of her face.

"Hii" she said in her sleep voice that drove me nuts.

I smiled pulling her up onto my lap giving her small kisses all over her face making her giggle.

"Good morning darling,"

"Hello love," She says kissing me softly on my neck.

"Uhuh, if this continues we'll be here all day" I chuckled before she looked at me funny.

"Hey." she said suddenly.

"Hm?" I say smiling

"...Jake..Where's your shirt."

I look down and realize i'm not wearing it anymore, I look around on the floor and see it beside the end of the bed.

"How did that even.."

She rolled her eyes and got up walking to the bathroom.

I pouted on the bed watching her get up to leave.

I laid back down snuggling back into the pillows I was so tired.


I sighed and giggled into the pillow

"Where your glasses!!" I shout.

"Yeah yeah," I can hear her eye roll from the bathroom.

She walked out a few minutes later wearing a simple but very cute outfit with her hair down and her glasses on.

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