25. Remorse

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Niki Pov:

I smiled at my beautiful girl as we pulled up to my dorm. I was so thankful for her, she's done so much for me already and now she's even moving in to take care of me, I don't even know how to thank her.

"Alright love let's get you inside" She smiled at me as she came around to the other side of the car to open my door. "Do you think you can use your crutches now?"

I nodded and slowly stood up holding on to the crutches. She placed her hand on my back to support me as I hopped over the ledge of the walkway. Once we got inside I laid down onto the bed while Eunhye put a pillow under my leg to keep it elevated.

I smiled at her and held her hand, giving it a light kiss making her smile. "I love you darling" I say to her.

"I love you too baby, now you get some rest okay?" I nod as she pulls a blanket over me. "I'll be back in a little bit, i'm gonna go clean up for a bit." She says kissing my forehead.

I was so entirely exhausted after today that falling asleep wasn't hard at all.

Eunhye Pov:

I quietly closed the door to the bedroom, walking back into the living room to clean up a little. I finished the dishes and folded up the blankets on the couch. I looked down at my watch noticing it was past 11:35, I wonder if Sunoo just decided to sleep over at Jungwons. I hope he's okay, I know he says he is, and that him and Niki worked things out, but if I were him, I still would probably be shaken up by all of this.

I sighed and yawned as I put the pillow back onto the couch picking up things off of the floor here and there. It was late but I decided i'd rather have everything done by tomorrow morning that way we can just take the morning to rest and relax with each other. I pulled out a big mixing bowl and took out the rest of the ingredients. I needed to make a apple, cinnamon zucchini bread for us to eat in the morning.

After I finished mixing everything together, I poured it into a pan and stuck it into the oven. I scrolled through my Emails while waiting for it to finish baking until one in particular caught my interest.

"Hybe Entertainment Letter of Recommendation"

Huh? I haven't sent out any emails to them.. I'm pretty sure this is the company Enhypen is under. I sighed and clicked onto the link just to see what it's was.

"Hello Miss Kim Eunhye,

We have contacted you today to reach out as we have received of letter of recommendation from your current dance instructor Mrs Mina Lau.
She has given us nothing but positive reviews and we have decided to offer you an audition for a back up dancer position we are looking to fill. If you are interested please contacts this Email back for more information, Thank you,
- Hybe Management

Oh my god. How- I-

Mrs Lau hates me!? Why would she give me a letter of recommendation?? I sat there staring at the Email rereading it over and over again trying to understand what's happening. I cant pass up this kind of opportunity but I need to be here for Niki.

I sighed and closed the lap top as the oven timer started beeping. I quickly hit the button to stop it so it wouldn't wake up Niki, and pulled the bread out of the oven placing it on a cooling rack.

After I put away the rest of the ingredients and did the last of the dishes I turned off the lights and headed to bed. I opened the door to our bedroom trying to be as quiet as possible, I just decided to stay in the over sized shirt I was wearing and just take off my sweatpants.

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