31- Labels in my Mind

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~Song: Golden Hour

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~Song: Golden Hour

"This stuff feels weird." I stated as I lifted my hand to feel the goo on my face.

Nora immediately slapped my hand away.

"Don't touch it, it has to dry first before you can peel it off." She explained before putting some on her own face.

I looked at myself in the mirror, a green type of mud covering my face. I looked like a skinny version on Shrek.

"What if this makes me break out right before the competition?" I asked

Truth was, I didn't want to do the whole face mask thing. But Nora wanted to, and she looked so excited when I agreed.

"Its not going to make you break out." Nora replied, rolling her eyes before a smile came to her face.

"If anything it will make you glow." She stated grabbing a bottle of nail polish from the cupboard.

I scrunched up my face in fake confusion.

"I already glow." I replied watching as Nora applied some white nail polish to her nails

She just smiled and shook her head.

Her image had become more important to her lately, with the surf competition coming up.

She hadn't said anything but she'd become slightly obsessed with the way she looked. Not in a bad way, but more in an anxious way.

Like this competition was getting to her head, it stressed her out.

I smiled softly at Nora as she continued to paint her nails.

Standing behind her I wrapped my hands around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder so I could watch her paint her nails.

"You nervous?" I asked, my voice low.

Nora stopped painting for a moment, letting the nail push brush to rest just above her nail.

She was barely breathing and bit the inside of her cheek.

"I'm not nervous, I've done plenty of Ocean Bay comps." I rolled my and backed away from Nora

I began to peal the green mask off my face as Nora finished her nails.

She could lie to me all she wanted, but I could tell her anxiety was through the roof.

Nora had pressure on her back, a lot of it.

Maybe all this self care stuff made her calm, but she was doing a lot of it.

That or she was trying to make herself look better... which she didn't need to do.

Once the mask was completely off of my face and Nora was done painting I turned her towards me.

My height forced her to look up at me as I spoke.

"Your beautiful, you know that right?" I said, my voice smooth as I spoke making sure she could hear every word.

She looked up at me like a deer in head lights. Almost like no ones ever said the to her before.

"Come on Nora, you're gorgeous." I said once more, "please tell me that you know that."

I looked down at her waiting.

She bit the inside of her cheek before nodding her head slightly with no hint of confidence.

I slowly connected her lips to mine.

I didn't do more as her nails were still wet and she'd probably have my head if I messed them up.

Instead I leaned agaisnt the counter and watched Nora, her body posture growing shy.

Nora went to pull her hair back into a bun but froze as she looked at her nails.

Carefully I took the hair tie from her and pulled her hair back. I continued to watch Nora in the mirror as I put her hair into a bun.

She stared at the floor, desperately wanting to fiddle with her hands but she couldn't.

Placing her hands at her thighs she looked up from the floor to the mirror, making eye contact with me.

I gave her a soft smile, kissing her temple lightly before stepping out of the bathroom.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked knowing dinner was right around the corner and like normal her parents would be home late.

"I don't know." Nora said with a shrug, "what do you want?"

I gave her a stern look.

"Don't worry about what I want, what do you want?"

Nora thought for a moment, her brown eyes searching the bathroom before awnsering.

"Muscles and fish sound good." She replied

I nodded my head.

"Alright, should I pick some up from Ricos crab shack? I'll be home in like 20 minutes if I do." I explained

I'd spent close to a month and a half in Ocean Bay, it had become home. I knew where everything is know, I knew everyone.

I had a completely different image here than the one I had in my home town. I kind of liked it, people saw me in a different light. I wasn't any different from the other teenagers, wasn't labeled as a bad kid.

Nora nodded her head yes, so I turned to the kitchen to grab my shoes.

"Oh, hey Finn." Nora called coming out of the bathroom, "could you take Phelps with you? He needs a walk."

I looked over at the Husky on the couch, he rested his head on the arm rest and looked at me.

Picking up the dog leash, I immediately caught Phelps attention.

He jumped off of the couch and ran towards me.

I clipped the leash to the collar and looked up at Nora.

She was leaning on the frame to the hallway.

Wearing sweats and a tank top, she looked ready for a night in.

I looked at her for a moment before opening the door to go get food with a smile on my face.

Words: 946

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