chapter 2

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saiki rung the doorbell and the sound of someone running towards that door as quickly as they could.

"mmmhn... who is it?...." "it's me saiki." "saiki? why are you at my house?" "you asked me to come over to your house so we could play baseball" "what? oh I'm sorry! i forgot!"
"don't worry it happens sometimes." "well come inside please do not come in my room uhmm......—its a bit messy"

'i hope saiki doesn't come in my room i haven't hid it all yet'

saiki heard satous thought for a moment he wonder what was in his room that he didn't want saiki to see.

'what? what does he have in his room that he doesn't want me to see?'

"wait here for a moment I'll get going to take a bath right now make yourself comfortable!" "sure."

saiki sat down on the couch and waited peacefully for satou..... —well saiki could not hold it in anymore he was so red and was breathing heavily, his heart was about to burst from beating too much. he was trembling.

'breathe in breathe out. that's what aiura said right? breathe in breathe out...—its working! thank aiura for giving me this advice...'

saiki was calming down but his heart beating was still fast
he's still a bit red. eventually he calmed down, satou finished taking a bath and wore the exact clothes aiura told saiki, while satou changed the exact clothes he cleaned his room, while that's happening saiki wore the ring so he could

"saiki come in my room! i cleaned it already so you can come in now" "what?" "erm uh okay."

saiki went inside the room that satou said it would be fine to come in

"why do..—ahem! why do you want me in your room?"
"nothing much well anyway let's continue on saiki do you know how to play baseball?" "yeah" "oh okay let's play at the yard of mine" "sure"

satou walked to the door of his room saiki tilted his head to see if satou was outside the yard saiki walked to the door and went to the yard

"is it too hot today? i mean we can play in the forest i think it's pretty safe in the forest"

satou was in the yard in the shade under the cherry blossom tree slightly smiling. sweat was dropping from satous face

it made saiki want to go forward and wipe all of his sweat speaking in an tone like 'your sweating..'

"saiki?" 'is saiki okay? out of all of the days today has to be a hot day i hate summer so much."

saiki was busy admiring satou and how he was sweating the you could see that by how his eyes were shining too much

"saiki? let's play baseball wait do you want to play right now?" "yeah I'm fine with playing right now satou." "okay let's do this do you have equipment for baseball?" "yeah"

I'm not writing all of how saiki and satou played baseball besides i don't know anything about it.

an while later saiki and satou were tired from playing baseball they both sat down under the cherry blossom tree

"I'm so tired, how are you so easy to beat saiki?" "i really don't know." "well i hope for the best for you to get better." "yeah." "saiki do you want water I'll get some inside" "no need also call me kusuo, satou" "okay kusuo!"

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