chapter 12

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satou stared at kusuo as if he was asking him to tell him the entire story.

'what... i mean i do remember being hit by the truck but I don't remember how it happened..?'

as satou was thinking about it, he then was about to speak until the nurse interrupted.

"well your health seems fine as well sir, you have stayed here for about 2 weeks ago which is completely fine ofcourse no need to worry some patients need some rest after accidents, so we'll still check your health if your ready to discharge from this hospital I shall be leaving now."

the nurse bowed at satou leaving both saiki and satou alone in the hospital room, as the door shut close.. satou quickly glanced at saiki he then got this expression to him.

"kusuo.. ahem. you seem to know what happened in the accident may you be able to tell me what happened?"

he turns his head to the window staring at the sky along waiting for saiki's answer to him


impatiently waiting satou quickly turned his head to stare at saiki though his stare was infact an glare,kusuo sighed he then opened his mouth.

"what happened was we were at the park I just bought ice cream for us then you started walking towards me about to grab the ice cream you tripped and fell from somewhat a rock, I then dropped the ice cream to grab you and well you accidentally leaned in to me then kissed me in the lips...-"

before saiki could continue on he had a moment to calm himself down which is surprising for him to be red.


it took a moment for kusuo to finally calm down he then stared at satou grinning yet also in an slight pink shade.

"heh, take your time kusuo.. it is awfully embarrassing hearing what ive done."

satou chuckled to himself while saiki was gazing at satous reaction.

"I'll continue it now, so then you immediately stood up, and quickly apologized, you then started running away apologizing as soon as you got far enough I turned away, it was my fault.."

"ofcourse not. it's not your fault it's my fault"

saiki stared at satou while his expression was saddened.

"'s my fault."

saiki walked forward towards satou, he then leaned to satous neck, which made satou flustered, saiki then whispered in his ear.

"stop saying it's your fault, when it's mine"

surprised by saiki's actions satou got flustered easily, he quickly pushed away saiki then layed down from his bed.

"..fine!.. I. uhm.. could you leave..???"

saiki nodded though satou could not see that he left, he only heard the door open and close, after that satou sat up from his bed.


his mind being filled with thoughts non stop he could not stop thinking about what happened,satou kicked both of his feet covering his face, his heart was beating to 100 per second,when he heard a click from the floor, he stopped.

"can I come in now?"

the voice of saiki on satous mind made him even more flustered.


"okay then what time can I come back from your room"

".... 7."

"am or pm?"


"okay ill come back at 7."



saiki got in his room without satou knowing, after that satou unwillingly kicked his feet, kicking the blanket that he slept on,saiki then smirked at satou.

"so that why you wanted me to leave."


satou looked at the door to see only saiki leaning on the wall.


saiki chuckled at satou, who was surprised.

satou shouted at saiki, which made the nurse hear.
saiki smiled at satou

he then walked closer to satou, surprised satou took a water bottle at the table near his bed, as saiki was walking towards him, satou shouted.


saiki finally got close to satou, he sat down at satous bed and touched satous wrist, then leaned closer.
he grinned.

"I'm kidding."

saiki chuckled, though he didn't understand what he just did.

the nurse opened the door to check the patient only to see two gay boys about to make out in an position.

"sir are you alri- oh nevermind I apologize for um this."

the nurse quickly closed the door.

"you piece of shit." satou glared at saiki though still red, he pinched saiki's cheek putting tension to it, nothing happened but saiki decided to play it off, I mean he doesn't want anyone to know about his... I can't saymmm...

"fine fine, though I do feel pretty flirtatious to you oddly"
saiki chuckled, as he puts his hand to satous head rubbing his hands on satous hair

"argh... I can't leave the hospital soon-"
"no?, you can leave the hospital once the nurse comes again I'm already healed so I can leave whenever I want"
"then how are you still in the clothes..?"
"I didn't bring any with me, do you want me naked?"

surprised by saiki's words satou got into a bright red flustered alot he covers his face with his own hands.

"no..! why would I.!"
'i mean I wouldn't mind if  I did see him naked....'

satous thoughts were obvious.

"okay.. okay.."

the nurse came inside the room the second time

"excuse me sir but could you leave your.. ermm.. boyfriend? outside."

saiki smirked.

"I'll leave for a second wait for me love."
he kissed satou on the forehead.(NO I DID NOT COPY THIS FROM C.AI DON'T SUE ME)

"sir I just need to check your health and your memory correct then you can be discharged from here"
the nurse smiled at satou while about to grab a check board.


"sir do you remember what happened that day and what grade you are?"

"ofcourse I do I got hit by a truck.. and I'm grade 11"
(idk what high school or grade they are)

*few moments later*
satou and the nurse finally finished

"okay I'll call the doctor right now and you should be able to leave"

"right.. thanks."

saiki was sitting down next to the door waiting for satou or the nurse to get out.

END(of chapter 12 :) )


love you all!
see you next chapter!

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