Chapter 6

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satou started squeeze teruhashis wrist as hard as he could until her wrist made a dent of where satou squeezed which made her knees weak as teruhashi fell down saiki stared at satous action on teruhashi

saiki felt these emotions at the same time sadness and anger by what satou had done, saikis thoughts went blank he walked forward to satou then he suddenly slapped him
satous heart broke piece by piece tears were appearing.

"why are you doing this satou?."  saiki glared as his tone sounded demanding instead of questioning

"I-I didn't mean to.. saiki... please I'm- i really didn't.."
satou realized about what he did by saiki's doing to his face

saiki sighed, he looked at satou and teruhashi he decided to side satou.

saiki layed his hand on satous shoulder. satou gaze at saiki especially his lips

"look i know we're friends but don't do this again."

satous tears was falling down his cheeks, he nodded, saiki wiped satous tears off his eyes then went ahead and picked up teruhashi he took her to the nurses office and left her there.

as saiki left the nurses office he saw satou staring at him, saiki walked forward and tapped satous shoulder after that he went to the bathroom and teleported to his house

"ku?" saiki's mother looked at the door being opened by saiki

"hi I wanna eat here today" saiki staring at his own mother

"of course ku! I have the food already ready in the table" saiki's mother smiled

saiki walked towards the table and sat down he took a fork and took a piece of the food that his mother made, he ate it, he kept on eating the food until there's no food in the plate

time skip

saiki got up and asked his mother to inform the teacher that he feels sick and he is going to absent for the afternoon his mother agreed not because he looks sick but he looks extremely sad

"okay kusuo go to your room I will tell your teacher right now"

saiki nodded he walked up stairs, he opened the door to his room and layed down to his bed staring at the ceiling

'why would satou do that to teruhashi.. sure i might dislike her but she's still my friend.'

his eye lids got heavy and closed

-saikis dream-



saiki opened his eyes to see satou looking down on him his heart started pumping as fast as he saw satous face close to his

"uh- um what happened?"

saiki took a deep breath,satou stared at saikis eyes

"kusuo.. i leaned forward to your face.. then when i were about to kiss you fainted..."

satou chuckled a bit seeing at saiki flustered made him smile some more

"well it's fine besides we should go to the store now"

saiki nodded as satou exclaimed to him

the both of them walked In the store to buy some strawberries and chocolates they were chatting about random things while walking around the store to find the chocolate and strawberries

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