chapter 13

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Saiki sat at the floor next to the door awaiting for the nurse to come out, surprised he saw his own brother talk to the other nurses turns out he was a doctor in this hospital-as if. he says to himself though it was pretty true, awfully half an hour later the nurse finally came outside, hearing the nurses thoughts and foot steps he decided to stand up almost quickly.

Gah! The nurse screamed but not too loud "my goodness you scared me!" The nurse calmed down after doing that, "right sorry." "It's fine well seems like the patient is discharged today" the nurse smiled having her hand on top of her own chest beaming a sweet aura around her.

Saiki nodded towards her, getting inside he looks straight to see satou staring at the window. "Satou?" He says towards him, hearing his voice satou faces saiki with an smile. "Do you need anything, kusuo?" He questions the pink haired with green glasses. "No, well do you have any clothes with you?" Saiki speaks with his mouth closed talking to satous mind, crossing his arms together awaiting. "Hmm I don't think so.. where my clothes that I have gotten into an accident with?" "I don't really know.. oh it's in the closet it think" saiki replies to the average guy who he has tried to be friends with for 2 whole weeks.

Patiently waiting saiki sits down to a chair next to the door of the room tiredly, he closes his eyes Fallon deeply asleep. The door opens making saiki wide awake again, he looks to the doctor on the door-his brother ofcourse. Who else would be there anyway "sir.... Mmm... Hiroshi is it?" Doctor questions "yes that's me.." satou answers softy gazing onto the doctor who is holding an clip board with glassing on, though he could see that saiki was exactly glaring at him, he remains the same of the position. "Now then I've gotten good records today here are the meds you only need and now your discharged from this hospital today, now I have spoken the things I must need I shall leave first." Doctor smiles gracefully turning around and leaving.

Kusuo stands up from his seat walking towards the closet which has satous clothes inside, grabbing the clothes he gives satou it, helping him get up from his hospital bed, leading him to the bathroom to change clothes. "Let's be quick okay satou, after this we can go to anywhere you want to go." Saiki talks, sitting down on the hospital bed thinking of removing his memory of all of this happening, thought he wants to be friends with satou.. he doesn't want satou to be obsessed with him, from the start he already knew. He has heard all of satous thoughts about him and satou together forever gives him the chills even though he has lost some of his memories about his obsession it still gives saiki the chills.

Satou finally got outside of the bathroom, smiling excitedly finally leaving the hospital, he looks at kusuo pointing the door. "C'mon! Let's get out of here and we can finally go to school tomorrow!" Satou does some small jumps showing some excitement. "Yeah.. let's go" saiki smiles tiredly, standing up and walking to the door holding satous hand. "It feels so good to leave that room for one!" Satou tells saiki sighing relief, touching his own chest area. "I know." The two words saiki could generate from his mind at the time being.

At the exit door finally, they are at right now still holding hand ignoring the fact they are all staring, but saiki was sweating trying not to actually let go of satous hand due to all of the homophobia kind of thoughts some people have, sighing in tire." Kusuo, do you wanna go a theme park?" Satou gazes on saiki then onto their hands, smiling. "Ofcourse since we finally discharged." Saiki smiles tightening the hand he's holding onto on.

They arrived at the ferris wheel, getting on one of the rides in the Ferris wheel, saiki stares at satou a lot tonight. "Kusuo I'm greatful that I met you." Satou says towards saiki smiling, suddenly there was a loud bang outside it turns out there was fireworks, smiling satou pointed to the fire works, saiki nodded and gazed at the fire works still something was in his mind, they only had 30 minutes in the ferris wheel ride, watching the fireworks it felt that satou was a child again, though he acts so innocent he smirks hiding the fact he planned all of this- the accident, the fake memory loss, everything. But kusuo knows it all.

Though he hides it perfectly kusuo still knows, kusuo loves satou yet he feels deeply that the both of them do not deserve each other, the both of them were perfect for each other yet he has others to take care of not only satou and he can't trust him to know his ability, it's tragic all of the happenings they had together. They were happy together but saiki can't accept satous love for him dazed at satou he smiles, the fireworks ended they had 10 minutes left. "Satou I'll take you to your house safely okay?" Saiki smiles to satou "I have no problem about that how about you though?" "I'll be fine dont worry satou" saiki touching his own chin.

The ride finished and they got off, now they are on their way to satous home, a lot of walking later they arrived at the place where they are about to part ways until saiki stopped satou. Satou stopped in his tracks turning around staring at saiki. "Satou, can I tell you about something..?' Saiki asked to satou who was standing there "sure tell me what it is" satou replies while smiling, saiki tries to open his mouth, his eyes teary. "Well... I..." Saiki could not be straight forward his heart beating, yet felt like breaking any moment "I'm a psychic, I know I shouldn't tell anyone about this." Saiki tells satou about him. "What about it kusuo?" Satou smiles not so shock. "Anyone I tell about it I have to remove their memory about me or anything happening about me." A tear fell down saiki's eyes, he finally told satou about his powers, the words saiki told satou was true, creating satou surprised his expression changed to sadness. "Why are you... Telling me this...?" Satou asked saiki crying, he stays quiet. "I'm sorry satou" he gets closer to satou patting his head. "I'm removing your memory of me now okay?" Saiki says trying not to tear up one more time, satou embraces saiki tightly not wanting to forget his love. A few seconds later satou let's go of saiki his heart breaking. "Fine.. I... Go for it..." Satou says to saiki. Saiki squints his eyes then gets satous memory of him, quickly satou forgets saiki. Who he is. Satou opens his eyes—rubbing both of them. "Who are you? Are you okay why are you crying sir?" Satou questions saiki not knowing who he is whatsoever "look at the time I have to go, Here." Satou gives his handkerchief to saiki running to his house saying good bye. Satou. Saiki mumbles to himself.

 Saiki mumbles to himself

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-The End.

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