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The Potter's, Lupin-Blacks along with Reggy, the Lestrange couple along with Rabastan and Barty, the Malfoy's, Tonks', Kingsley, Mad eye along with Amelia Bones were summoned at the Great Hall. Harry hugged his parents who were just as confused as him. Dumbledore stood up with a knowing glint and addressed them-"Blah blah blah you need to see the movie"🎥

The hall was transfigured into a cinema theatre. People sat in groups but before the movie started, a portal appeared and two bodies fell. A male and a female.

The Potter's and Black's looked at the female with shock. It has been quite a long time for them since they met her, in person except Remus. "Violet?" Harry hugged his sister who smiled instantly wrapping her arms around him. James looked at his daughter with relief, let's just say things haven't really been good between them. Remus and Sirius smiled happily at the siblings where as the Wizarding were shocked except few close one.

"Wait Vee?" Charlie Weasley said making Violet smile at him as well, "Hey Charlie" the two shared a hug as Remus hugged his god daughter along with Sirius. Reggy smiled at his niece. Lily just sneered at her making her roll her eyes and James gave a curt nod receiving one back.

The younger Weasley kids were clueless of who this young woman was. Hermione was looking at the woman with a frown. She felt like she knows her somehow.

"Please introduce yourself" McGonagall said smiling at Violet which she returned. "Myself Violet James Potter and I'm a Marine Biologist and researcher" she said as many Muggleborns gasped when Hermione said-"You are Violet Potter? I have read many of your books!! It's quiet fascinating about your view's in the Marine life. OMG you are my favourite writer!" She squealed with red cheeks making Violet smile at her in gratitude.

"Wait-you are the crazy woman who has been the hot topic in Mana hub" a bulky bald guy said making Violet glare at him harshly along with James, Harry, Remus and Sirius before she said-"Yeah, I'm the 'crazy woman' as per your conquests but I prefer Dr. Potter Mr?"

"Jonas Taylor, an ex sea research rescue operator and researcher." He said making her raise her brows as she stepped in his eye level glaring at him and said-"Mr. Taylor, I would very much appreciate if you would keep your thoughts to yourself when you are in no position to talk to me in any way possible as you are not my chief or my husband to be concerned about mental state."

"Dr. Potter, you're right. I'm in no position as I'm not your chief or your husband at that matter but I would very much like to question cause of the concern that their are many people around you and with madness such as yourself you do take everyone down with you" he said while smiling at her slightly but she didn't seem to faze.

The people in the great hall noticed the tension as bright as light as they looked from Violet to Jonas. "The tension!!" Rabastan said to Barty and Regulus as they looked between the still staring)glaring duo.

Regulus turned to his best friends and said-"200 gallons, they end up together."  Barty being the utter fool he was accepted the offer making Rabstan face palm. The same bet was between McGonagall and Snape, the latter being the one against the ship McGonagall was sailing.

"Okay, enough Violet. Just sit down and stop embarassing us!" Lily said sternly making her roll her eyes. Nevertheless she sat with Sirius, Remus and Snape with the golden trio near their feet.

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