Bonus Chapter-First Kiss

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PS-No Jonas x Violet, cause this one is with someone special. And I feel like they would have worked great together.

The screen showed Violet Potter running through the streets of London City.

She passed the glass door and checked herself out

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She passed the glass door and checked herself out.

"You damn pretty thing!!" Blaise whistle
"Boys are disgusting." Violet shook her head and saie-"Hey!! I'm six year older than you!!"

Theo looked at her and winked-"Age is just a number honey"

Violet shook her head with a disgusted expression.

She came inside the cafe and spotted a man in brown jumper sipping on hot chocolate. She shook her head fondly and took a seat in front of that Man. Remus Lupin.

Sirius whistled seeing his husband on the screen as the said man grew red. "Moony!!!" James and Harry cheered along with few of Hogwarts student for their favourite DADA Professor.

"Hi Papa Moony!!" Violet smiles at him as Remus smile widely and hugs her. He kissed her forehead and saie-"How are you doing? Are you eating well? You aren't overworking yourself right?" Remus bombards her with questions as Violet chuckled shaking her head looking at him ranting.

Remus goes red as the others sent him amused looks. "Aww look at Moony acting like a Mom." James teased nudging him along with Siri.

Remus kicked the two off couch as Violet laughs at them.

"I'm perfectly fine. No I'm not over working, I'm eating well." She explains as Remus nods and saie-"Good, so now. We actually have to go."

Violet frowns in confusion and saie-"Go where?" "The Weasley's. Bill got married last winter, you weren't there so Molly asked me to bring you." Remus said as the two made their way through the crowd toward Leaky Cauldron.

"Merlin what!!? I missed it!" She pouts as the two entered Leaky Cauldron, the others cast her vary glances but Remus grabs her hand protectively and walks through the crowd towards a secluded corner.

"Hold tight honey." He said as Violet held onto her God father like a baby. And they apparated away.

The Burrow-

As Violet grins at the sight of the house. She visited this place a lot, when she was a kid. It's been almost 10 years since she came here.

As Remus and Violet stood outside and knocked on the door, Molly hustles and opens it as she greets Remus before turning to Violet, seeing her after a long time she didn't recognise her.

"And who are you dear?" Molly asks kindly as Violet pouts sadly and said-"It's me Molly, Violet." As Molly eyes widened and she brings the girl into a hug.

Molly smiles at the girl. She always considered her a part of family. Not to mention she used to visit them like 8 times a week. Even James was like a son to her cause of his childish instincts.

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