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The submarine lifts above the water as Jonas carries out Violet in his arms. The medic and John waited by the side as they rushed towards her as soon as they came into the view. Wall bumped into John and handed him the letter Toshi left him. Dj and Jaxx help him carry Violet as they rush her to the medical room.

"You couldn't bring Toshi back!?" A crew member yelled at him. "He closed the hatch, he saved us." He said glumly. "You left him! Cause That's who you are!! You leave people behind!!" The employee yelled at him. Mac comes between the two as he glares at him when they hear a  loud  panicked voice-"No!! The meeting room!! Now!! Everyone!!" Violet yelled as they tried to caox her but once a stubborn women always a stubborn women.

"VIOLET!!! You need treatment!!" Sirius yelled worriedly, "In my defense I just saw my co-worker die because of an ancient myth that is supposed to be dead. Heck people think that it was just a folktale and now it's living and moving freely in the world it's not supposed to be present!" She rants out huffing at the end.

"This movie is gonna give me grey hairs" James said worriedly. "You already have some" Violet mumbled out making James gasp in horror. "Pads!! No do I have any grey hair!? Look?!!"  James panicked, "Calm down Prongs you don't!" Remus said pulling Sirius away from James who was picking on his hairs cackling momentally forgetting why they were here.

The screen changes to meeting room where John, Mac, Jaxx, Dj, Wall, Jack, Jonas and Violet sat. Wall and Violet were getting mended they stayed in their horrified state. "What was down their?" Zhang asked as he looked Violet. But before she could say Jonas replied-"your worst nightmare"

"You guys won't believe it!! It was not a normal shark!! It was nearly 20 mts. And the explosion didn't even scratched it!!" Wall panicked as Zhang looked at Violet who look at him and said-"it's the Meg"

Jack sat up straight at that as he said-"Megaledon! So you are telling me that you really found an alive Megaledon! You did it Docter!!" Jonas face scrunched up in confusion as he glared at Violet, "You were searching for that thing!!?" He yelled in anger.

"Hey! hey! hey! She wasn't searching for the Meg!! She was just doing her job!" Remus yelled baffled at both Jonas and Jack. Jonas glares at the on screen Jack, "He is trying to stir up problems for his greed." He said.

Violet looks at him in both offence and amusement, "Look Mr. Taylor. We weren't looking for a Meg. It was just a sea operation where something went south and we discovered it, it was a coincidence." She said coldly. Jonas laughed bitterly as he glared at her-"You knew that this place has something related to your research didn't you? You did all this for your own madness" Violet's first clenched as she glared at him hard as Jaxx and Dj shared a look.

"Oye, that's uncalled for!" Remus yelled angrily. "And they say I'm mad!" Barty said making Rabstan and Regulus both whack him on head. " The side eye! He is gone.." Charlie smirked as he saw her side eye. Even Jonas fiddles in his seat nervously looking at her angry side eye.

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked coldly as Zhang tried to interrupt but Jack held him back smirking lightly. "The fuck that saved your ass!" Jonas replied coldly. Jaxx smirked as she looked down practically feeling the sexual tension between them.

"Oh and that gives you the leverage to shit talk me and my team? You literally are a man who ran away from the Arena just because someone died. Coward... " She said, coldly smirking at him as he shuts his mouth. Dj looks between them in shock, Jaxx just smirks more knowing that he had it coming after calling her mad and blaming it on her.

"Burnnnnnnnn!!!" Blaise yelled whistling along with Theo. Jonas sighed as he looked away from the screen, "Bambi that's rude!" James said not even realising that he called her a nickname after 16 years. But Violet did as she looked away with tear filled eyes.

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