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Out of habit, I woke up very early and started my usual training. It hurt my side a lot, but I wasn't gonna let those push-ups and other things slide. I needed to defend myself even better!

But when a loud buzzing noise made my ears ring, I almost face-planted. "Jesus!" I screamed.

Minho groaned and tapped something on a watch he wore. "Morning." He said, his voice deep from sleeping.

I didn't reply and kept training, not bothering the boy who by now stretched his arms.

"Why are you up this early?" He stared at me.

"Don't you have eyes?" I snapped, making it very clear I was training. "I'm training. And why did the hell did you set an alarm?" 

"To train." He got up from the ground. "Why are you training?"

"To keep my... strength," I grunted through some more push-ups. "And you?"

"A habit.. and strength," Minho said. In the corner of my eye, I noticed him pulling his shirt off. Oh, god.

"Is that really necessary?" I sighed.

"It's very hot here, in the Scorch." Minho started doing his own things and soon I couldn't help to look up. His tanned back moved in a satisfied way as he did push-ups. Later he turned around and did sit-ups, making the strength in his stomach and chest very visible.

"Nice view, hm?" He smirked at me.

I blushed. "The sunset? Yes."
He scoffed and kept going.
"Minho, put on your goddamn shirt." I eventually ordered.

"Whatever you say, Lee."

"Lee?" I spat out. "Don't call me that. Sounds lame."

"Yeah, well, I won't call you Princess, so live with it. And if you don't like it, I will especially call you that."

I rolled my eyes and got up, grabbing my quiver and weapons. "It was a pleasure to meet you guys. Good luck with not getting killed. Bye!"

Minho jumped up from his place. "Where are you going?"

"Searching for the home I at least have." I started to walk away, Minho jogging after me.


"Go complete the trial and live in this safe place of you, Minho," I added, not wanting to deal with the boys and have WICKED on me again.

He sighed as I kept up a firm pace. "Why don't you come with us? I bet that home of yours isn't even that pleasant." His voice changed. It turned worried.. different, and less sassy.

"It's better than nothing."

Minho took my arm and twisted me around. "Stay." He said. "Come with us."

My eyes searched for his, confused, yet flattered.
"I can't."

Why would he even care? I had just met him for a day! But maybe the only reason was that I was a girl and there was no girl in the group. Did he want to use me like Holt?

Minho's face fell as he took both my arms in his hands now. "Why not?"

I swallowed deeply before replying. "I... I need to help my group. They can't survive without me bringing them food."

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