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The worst thing of it all was that, manipulated or not, I got what I deserved. Minho might've refused to believe that, but Aris had all the right to hurt me. I mean, who wouldn't be angry if someone killed their parents and sent them into a horrible life?

I didn't want to act like the victim, but the duo definitely made my guilt ten times worse, which got me considering if WICKED actually let me go through much, or if I was just cruel.. because that few torture sessions I had every week were nothing compared to living in a maze, or seeing your parents get killed... though I also saw my parents get killed. On my birthday.

So there I started to wake up, my mind already spinning with thoughts until Minho's face appeared. At least he gave me some hope.

"Morning, princess." He smiled, half smirking too. "Slept well?"

"Yep," I replied, popping the p. "Is Thomas back yet?"

He sighed. "No. We're planning on going to the Safe Haven and figuring out what we do to help Thomas there."


He put his finger on my mouth to shush me. "We're not going to search for him now. I won't let things like that happen to you or anyone in here again, all right?"

I eventually just nodded and tried to get up, just to back down again. The ache in my whole body was so bad, especially my stomach. It felt like I was tensing my muscles, but a million times worse.

"Woah." Worry washed over Minho's face. "Alright, I'll just..." He trailed off as he bent down.

"I don't think that's-."
I was too late; Minho already picked me up in bridal style.

I chuckled. "I thought you said you weren't going to carry me?"

"My mind has changed." He started walking at a firm pace, following everyone.

"Isn't this a bit heavy to carry for so long?" I asked after about forty minutes.

"You're like a feather to me," Minho explained and he seemed to be honest— he carried me very smoothly. "That's meant as a compliment."

"Well, thank you," I responded, quite satisfied. "Just put me down if-."

"I just said it was easy to carry you." He interrupted sternly. "And I like this, so no, I won't put you d-."

He cut himself off, face darkening completely as he stared at someone in the distance.

"Never mind." He muttered. "Newt!" He almost threw me into the blonde's arms, who also looked confused.

Embarrassed I crawled away from Newt and just stood next to him, my arms holding his shoulder. "Oh, shit," I muttered. "It's Aris."

"And Thomas and Teresa," Newt added. "Aris is dead."

And he was right. Minho jumped on top of Aris. The boy didn't have a chance to fight back. Minho held a strong grip on him, face and eyes raging, body tensing, and horrible words spitting out of his mouth.

The punches soon started, and they all came from Minho. The sound of his fists slamming against Aris' face repeated to echo in the sky, making me shiver.

No one stopped Minho. We all just watched him beat the living crap out of Aris and scream more stuff, though once Jorge noticed Aris was unconscious after a lot of punches, he jumped into action.

"Minho!" He shouted for him to stop, but Minho didn't listen until Jorge had to drag him off Aris.

Teresa bent down next to him as Thomas escaped from her hold on him and ran over to me, hugging me tightly.

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