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A/N: Okay so I had just no motivation to follow the original scene of this, so I changed it into a whole new thing, because if I ain't got motivation the chapters will be horribly written too 😭


A few weeks later, Minho came up with the idea to go outside. He told me he had done it before, and that it wasn't scary. Trusting him with my life, I followed him that night.

"Are you sure about this, Min?" I whispered. "I don't want to get caught. Because if I will they'll— you know."

He was walking a few feet away from me, but turned his head to nod. "It's okay. We'll be fine."

I swallowed away the lump in my throat and followed him all the way to a ladder, in the corner of a hallway. Above from it was a circle, which seemed to open when Minho pushed against it.

I nearly scoffed. All the security and then they let us go outside like this?

"This way." He started climbing. I soon went after him, slowly turning excited to see the world, though.

A cold breeze hit my face almost immediately. The dark sky full of stars started to appear, and later I found myself standing on the roof of the giant building, gasping.

I looked at a million trees, that only stopped when I couldn't look any further. Moonlight lit up the place slightly. To me, it was beautiful.

"Wow." I breathed.

Minho put his hands on his sides. "Yeah. Wow."

"It's so pretty." I smiled brightly. The only bad thing was that it was quite cold on the roof, but the rest was perfect. Especially the one I was with.

He muttered something in reply, looking down.

"What did you say?" I sat myself on the ground while giving him a suspicious glance.

"Nothing." He denied, sitting down too. "Nothing at all."

I scoffed, but turned my head away, admiring the view again. My eyes trailed all over it, my heart beating faster by the second. How come I had never seen it before? It was so worth the risk!

"Stop staring at me." I told Minho. In the corner of my eye, I had noticed him looking. "Look at the view, or something."

"I've seen this a lot of times before."

"You've seen me a lot of times before, too."

He sighed. "Fine, then."

A shiver went down my spine. Then I lay down on my back, watching the starts in silence as I rubbed my cold hands together.

He lay next to me. "It's cold up here, isn't it?"

I shrugged. "It'll be fine. Unless you want to go inside."

"Oh, but I'm not cold." He chuckled. "You are, though."

I didn't reply and looked at the starts. My eye caught a bigger one. "I'm gonna name that one after Mommy." I whispered, more to myself.

"You still call your Mom— never mind. Sorry." He said fast.

I blew out some cold steam. "Yes, I still call my Mom Mommy."

"I try not to think about mine." His voice lowered.

"And if you do?" I wondered carefully. With Minho I was never really able to tell when I crossed the line.

He shrugged. "Then I do."

We managed to stay silent for exactly ten seconds before he spoke. "Do you want my jacket?"

My heart skipped a beat. Slowly, I turned to him. "Really?"


"Yes, please. I-."

We got cut off by a deep, male voice, "Hey, what're you two kids doing here?"

Minho was the first to jump up. He pulled me with him and immediately shoved me behind his back, standing in front of me protectively, yet unnecessarily.

"Come with me." The man then said. His whole body except for brown eyes was covered in a black uniform.

We obeyed and followed him back down, all the way to the first floor, where he opened a door to the outside world again.

I held my breath, scared what would happened. Was he gonna send us into the woods at night?

"In here." He commanded, pointing at an open bamboo fence close to the entry of the building. "I'll come and get you once I think it's time."

Minho was the first to jump into the dark, cold hole. I followed, my palms sweaty. It smelled like rotten fish in the cave, and I could barely see what was happening until we passed some lights.

On both sides of us were dozens of more fences, but these were made of metal or some kind. Dark shadows were hiding in the cells, but neither of us could clearly make out what they were.

I nearly clenched to Minho from fear as he casually walked through the tunnels, looking here and there.

Then I let out a scream.

Someone banged against the fence I was closest to. They were locked in there, yelling loudly. Their eyes were black, with black... tears coming from them, too. Veins, black. Their clothes were ripped and I couldn't make their gender out.

The sight was so horrible, I froze in my place. Their screams screeched through the air in a scary, and disgusting way. Their slammed and slammed against the fence, which caused only more noise to form.

I reached out to grab Minho's hand. He took mine with no hesitation, quickly pulling me away from the weird thing.

My eyes stayed wide open as I walked.

"It's okay." He whispered. "Maybe just... special effects? Face paint?"

I swallowed. "I hope."

A light squeeze in my hand. "Let's just get back to the entrance of this, shall we?"

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