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A/N: This is extreme and I'm convinced Janson wasn't that cruel in the movies (okay, never mind, he kinda was.) but still, it's extreme. Also, it was buckyxnewt And brielils idea, not mine :) don't blame me!!


"Morning, kid." Amery sat down on my bed the next day. "You still alive?"

Honestly, it felt like I wasn't. Things just flew past me, voices became blurry, and the world was just fading away. "Mhm." I hummed.

"Janson wants to do some tests." She added with a less cheerful voice. "And talk."

"Fuck Janson." I groaned.

"Yeah, I agree." Amery laughed. "But we've got to hurry. I don't feel like dragging you."

Slowly I sat straight up, inspecting Amery's face for a few seconds. Her black buzz cut was starting to grow into a pixie cut, and her face had something familiar I hadn't noticed before, but that could've been the haircut.

"Amery is your surname, right?" I asked out of interest, and she nodded. "What's your first name?"

She hesitated suspiciously long. "Astrid."

My mouth dropped open in shock. I was speechless for the first few seconds, just not knowing what to tell her next.

"Astrid as in..." I hinted, tears forming in my eyes. Let it be real, I begged in my mind. "Is Amery your real surname?"

"It's not." Astrid sighed, a small smile appearing on her face as she jokingly held out her hand. "Astrid Verlice, nice to meet you, Lena Verlice."

I gasped quietly. "This isn't a joke, right?"

She shook her head, looking serious now. "It's not."

Then I just attacked her with a hug. "I thought you died!" I cried quietly, so happy she returned.

My sister. My older sister was right in front of me after... at least ten years. No wonder I didn't recognize her.

She laughed and hugged back. "But hey, we can't let Janson find out about this. I also don't feel like getting tortured or something."

I nodded, wiping some tears off my cheeks. "Let's go then."


"Calm down today, Janson," Astrid ordered once they tied me onto the chair. I was so cheerful about finding my sister, yet sad I had to get tortured again.

He just hummed and mixed together some liquids. "How was the hallucination, Lenora?"

"Very fun. I'd love to go there again sometime." I replied.

"What did you see?" Janson added.

I exhaled. "Don't you already know?"

"Yeah, just wanna hear it from you."

"Alright then." I paused. "First I lay on this bridge that was high as fuck. There was this British kid, you know, the blonde one? You named him after the guy that let an apple fall on his head. He casually pushed me off there 'cause why not. I somehow survived a fall like that, and hmm... then I saw some parents."

I paused again and took a breath, watching Janson get irritated.

"Sadly I didn't see your old man, but hey, at least I saw my future parents-in-law." I grinned as Astrid laughed too. "But then they got shot by me, so I don't think they like me now.. then old I appeared and killed Minho, aka your hero of the day because he's making a cure, aka my hero because... just because. That's pretty much it."

𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍  》TMR, MinhoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora