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Apparently, I always have a way of finding myself in messy and chaotic situations. Exhibit A: my life right now.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out this is going to be an absolute trainwreck. In fact, the only thing that can probably save me right now is a time machine.

"Jackson!" At least ten of my former classmates immediately exclaim as soon as Jackson steps foot inside the gymnasium. Suddenly, Jackson Carter is the resident celebrity of Cherrybrooke High, with people immediately surrounding him and excited to talk to him.

"Hey everyone," I hear Jackson say to his group of fans. "It's good to be back and see you all again. What did I miss?"

Oh, nothing much. Just a typical Friday night where your high school nemesis randomly ropes you into playing her fake boyfriend. I'm sure it happens all the time, right?

"You're dating him?" Oliver says to me, his voice loud enough such that a few people turn to stare at us.

I can see a muscle twitching in his neck. Surprise shoots me through at his reaction before I remember that he never liked Jackson back in high school.

A storm is brewing and it's all my fault. I swallow and momentarily shut my eyes. Maybe if I squeeze my eyes tight enough, I can magically transport back to my bedroom.

Nope, I'm still here. Well, it was worth a try.

"You're dating Jackson Carter?" Oliver questions again, an edge to his voice. This time, more people in the room turn around to look at us.

Including Jackson and his fans.

The look on Jackson's face is unreadable...to say the least. Even though he did offer to be my fake boyfriend, I never actually agreed to our deal, and so to suddenly hurl him into my little last-minute charade would inevitably not sit well with him. He's probably going to call me out on my bluff, deny that we're dating, and then everyone will think I'm crazy. I'm going to be the laughing stock of tonight.

As if on cue, Jen has also just come out of the restroom, and I'm pretty sure she heard what Oliver just said too because the look on her face right now is absolutely priceless.

Just then, loud crunching noises start to fill the room. "Does anyone else want popcorn?" I recognize the voice as Simon, someone who used to be in my math class.

"Uh..." I stammer, my voice trailing off. Suddenly, my dress and shoes feel too tight, too constricting and I think I can't move.

"That's right. We're dating," Jackson suddenly speaks up. And not only is he speaking, but he's now also walking toward me.

Holy cow.

"Damn, he's taken," I hear Nancy, a girl who used to be in my chemistry class, mutter.

"If you have a problem with my girlfriend, you can deal with me," Jackson then adds.

Holy cow times ten.

There's an unwavering and almost dangerous look in his brown eyes as he glares at Oliver, and as I dig through my vocabulary to think of the right word to describe him right now, one word springs to mind.

I think I've miraculously just unlocked Jackson in protection mode.

All this time, my heart is pounding against my chest like a bongo drum and my mouth is entirely dry. It's only when Jackson is standing beside me—with his hand on the small of my back—does my heartbeat begin to slow down.

He gives me a gentle look and as weird as it sounds, amidst all this chaos, his presence is comforting. Calming. Reassuring.

"No, no problem at all man," Oliver replies. He casually places his hands in his pockets and flashes a diplomatic smile at both of us. "I guess I just didn't see that coming."

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