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We're an hour into the gala, and up to the main course of the fancy three-course meal we're being served. There's been several speeches and presentations, and out of respect for the speakers, it's been fairly quiet at our table. Even Hilary hasn't said much, to my surprise.

I cut a piece of my steak and put it into my mouth, trying to listen to the woman on the stage who's currently giving a speech about the power of leadership in business. But I keep spacing out, I'm restless and my mind is elsewhere.

I'm thinking about Jackson.

And trying my best to resist the urge to glance at his insanely attractive side profile every couple of minutes.

Okay, every couple of minutes is a lie. I'm trying to restrain myself from looking at him every few seconds.

I can still feel his touch on me, and every word he's said to me tonight lingers in my mind like a melody I can't forget.

It's him. It's all him.

"And now it's time to announce the winners of tonight's awards," Nancy, the host of the gala suddenly says, causing a round of cheering in the audience.

The first award is Beauty Business of the Year, with Hilary's business, Topaz Beauty taking the accolade. Polite applause echoes in the room as Hilary saunters onto the stage to collect her award and flashes a toothpaste commercial worthy smile at the audience whilst giving her speech—specifically, at Jackson. Jackson, however, looks like he couldn't be more indifferent.

We go through several other award categories and then it's time to announce the winner of the Professional Services Firm of the Year award, the award Jackson's company is nominated for.

I peer cautiously at him, but he doesn't look nervous at all. I'm not surprised—the Jackson I know always thrived on his competitive spirit. Nevertheless, I reach forward to give his right hand a tiny squeeze for good luck. He instantly turns to glance at me, a dimpled smile spreading across his lips as he laces his fingers with mine.

"...congratulations to Carter Marketing Solutions!"

A round of applause immediately erupts in the room, and I glance at Jackson with a proud smile on my face. "Congratulations."

"Go Jackson!" I hear Hilary squeal in the background at the same time.

Jackson's brown eyes twinkle with tenderness as he stares at me, and he leans forward, before pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Thank you, Bella."

The touch of his lips instantly causes a tingly feeling to radiate through my body, but I remind myself for perhaps the one thousandth time today that he's only acting lovey-dovey in front of Hilary.

Then, I watch as he promptly stands up and straightens his suit, before making his way over to the stage. As usual, he walks confidently and assertively, as though he was born for this moment.

People are getting up from their seats and giving him a standing ovation, something that hasn't happened with any of the previous award winners tonight.

Jackson takes the award plaque from Nancy and speaks into the microphone. "You can all sit down now," he jokes, glancing around the audience. "Someone once told me that I have a big ego so you don't need to inflate it any further."

Some chuckles resound in the room and I let out a tiny smile, knowing that he's probably referring to me.

"I know everyone's probably keen on dessert so I'll try to keep this short and sweet, pun intended," he continues. "Thanks to the award sponsors and judges for this honor. As some of you may know, Carter Marketing Solutions was something my late dad built and it's a fantastic honor to be carrying on his legacy." He pauses momentarily as if to reflect and then takes a deep breath. "I know that he'll be proud of us tonight."

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