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I watch as Jackson walks towards me with a plate of almond croissants and strawberry jam donuts, plus a glass of orange juice.

Not to mention that he's wearing nothing but his boxers right now, meaning I'm getting a whole three-dimensional view of his perfectly toned chest and body. And quite frankly, it's a view I'll never get tired of.

"Breakfast in bed again?" I tease, sitting up in bed. "You're really spoiling me."

Over the past eight days, Jackson has stayed over at my apartment whilst helping me with some last-minute tasks for my fashion show. And every single morning, I've woken up to breakfast in bed—with Jackson preparing a different meal every day.

It's been a little over a month since he found out about Andrew being his birth father, and while it's still definitely not an easy pill to swallow for him, the news isn't impacting him as severely as it had been a month ago. I know Jackson's put a lot of pressure on himself, but in the past month, he's been nothing but an amazing boyfriend, and I'll continue to be there to support him, no matter what.

"For your big day," he smiles, placing the dish down on the bedside table.

"Come back to bed," I pout, patting the empty space next to me. "I missed your morning kisses."

With a chuckle, he climbs onto the bed and in a swift move, pins me down as he moves his mouth on top of mine, completely marking it as his. "Today's my baby's first-ever fashion show," he huskily whispers in between kisses. "Do you know how proud I am of you?"

"I couldn't have done it without you, handsome," I breathe.

"That doesn't take away how talented you are, Bella," he murmurs, before beginning to trail kisses along my jawline and neck. "You're the most talented person I know."

My eyes flutter shut as a moan leaves my mouth. It's almost as though I've forgotten what I'm supposed to be doing today. Did I have a fashion show or something to run?

Just kidding—I'm not that easily distracted by him, right?

I tangle my hands through his hair and let out another whimper. "W-what about breakfast?"

"You're my breakfast," he replies, his voice muffled.

A silly giggle escapes my throat. "Okay, I see and hear you. Please continue."

"Gladly," he murmurs, his mouth moving toward my chest. 

Just at that moment, my phone starts ringing and Jackson lets out a grunt before reluctantly moving his body off mine.

"I better check that in case," I groan, sitting up on the bed.

"It's Jen," I inform Jackson before picking up the call.

"Hey!" I answer and put my phone down on the bed in loudspeaker mode.

"Good morning!" Jen chirps. "How are you feeling about tonight?"

"As ready as I can be...hopefully," I respond as Jackson suddenly wraps his arms around my body. "I'm heading to the venue this morning to make sure the set-up and everything is all ready. After that, I'm—"

My voice trails off promptly and a half-whimper half-gasp exits my mouth instead as my boyfriend starts pressing delicate kisses behind my ear. Flabbergasted, I quickly clasp my hand over my mouth but I'm about ninety-nine point seven percent sure Jen heard that.

There's a long pause before Jen lets out a gasp. "Oh my god. Are you with Jackson right now?"


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