Author's Note and Thank You

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Dear Reader (yay for one more Swiftie reference!),

I can't believe Jackson and Bella's story is over, I've loved writing A Perfect Fit so much—it's my book baby, and Jackson and Bella have such a special place in my heart (also...Santa, could you please bring a Jackson into my life? That would be very much appreciated).

If you've stuck around till the very end, thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed and I hope it's a story that made you smile. I know I'm going to miss Jisabelle so much!!

I loved writing the banter, the fake-dating, seeing them realize their feelings for each other, all those swoon-worthy and heartwarming moments, and them being there for each other and assuring that they'd be there for each other no matter what kind of crazy 'plot twist' occurs *cough cough, Andrew Burke*. And in addition to the romance, one other message that particularly stood out for me whilst writing was chasing your dreams, just like how Isabelle pursued her dream career in fashion design.

Some of you may know that I've also been juggling full-time work and part-time study while working on this story, and I'm not going to lie, there were definitely times things got a little hectic haha...but we made it! To steal Bella's speech from her fashion show in Chapter 35, it feels surreal finishing my first book, and I want to say that if I can do it, so can you—whether that's writing, a new hobby, or a project that you've always wanted to start. I believe in you and I'm rooting for you.

If you've been following along with the weekly updates, thank you so much for tuning in every week, it truly makes my heart so happy to see so many people looking forward to new chapters. And if you've been binge-reading the chapters or reading it now that it's complete, you're amazing too and I appreciate all your time, enthusiasm, and support!

I still remember posting the first chapter in late April, not knowing what to expect, and eight months later, here we are. As I write this Author's Note, A Perfect Fit is currently sitting on 66.2k reads, with so many incredible, amazing, and supportive readers from various countries around the world (I'm so grateful for you all) and we've also won a Watty (eek)!!

Thank you also for voting and commenting! Please feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you thought of the story, the characters, any memorable/favorite scenes or moments etc—I love reading your comments!

And, if you enjoyed the story and know of someone else who you think might also enjoy, I'd be so grateful if you could spread the word ❤️

So what's next?

I'll be starting a new book and I hope you'll stick around! In fact, there may or may not be a tiny hint in the Epilogue about the FMC of my next story 👀

I haven't started writing it yet and I'm going to dedicate some time to planning for it first so I don't know when the first chapter will be out yet and I'll likely work on it offline for a bit first before I start posting. I hope to keep you updated on my Instagram/Wattpad (my handle is lilyvictoriawrites for both if you'd like to follow along on my writing journey)! The story will have some of my favorite tropes, and it's one I'm very excited about xx

Also, I'm thinking I might do a little writing Q&A for A Perfect Fit on my Instagram in the coming days so stay tuned for that if you're interested!

I hope you all have a wonderful and happy holiday season, and I hope to see you in my next book!

Sending all my love,

Lily xx 

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