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After exiting the Maple Leaf Cafe, I adjust my scarf and hug myself for warmth as I walk ahead. The cold New York wind feels like icy needles against my body, but nothing can compare to the throbbing pain I'm feeling in my chest right now.

Did Jackson not believe that no matter what, I'd be there for him and that he didn't need to be perfect?

He only said he wanted to break up with me in the spur of the moment, right? I don't believe he really wants to end things with me.

Leaving the conversation with him hadn't been ideal, but Mom had texted me saying that there was something urgent and for me to call her, and I thought that maybe Jackson just needed some time.

Taking a deep breath, I cross the road to a slightly quieter space on the street and dial my Mom's number.

"Hey Mom," I say when she picks up. "I got your message. What happened?"

"Ivy's at the hospital right now," she responds. "She got into a car accident."

I freeze, taking in the news. "Oh my god, is she okay?"

"It looks like she might have a broken arm but thank goodness it's nothing life-threatening."

"Okay, that's good that there isn't any further damage."

"Can you come to the hospital right now?"

I hesitate for a moment, my gaze shifting to the direction of the Maple Leaf Cafe across the road and checking the window seat Jackson and I had been situated only minutes ago.

A sinking feeling fills my heart when I realize that I can't see him inside the cafe anymore. He must have left. Does he really want to leave me?

"Isabelle?" Mom's voice jerks me out of my thoughts.

It takes me a moment to regain my composure. "Okay, I'll be there. Which hospital?"

Mom informs me of the relevant details and soon after, I'm on my way to finding the nearest cab.

In no time, a cab drives by and stops at the curbside where I'm standing. Just as I'm about to get inside the cab, I hear a familiar voice from behind.


Turning around to the source of the voice, I see Jackson, panting and all out of breath. He looks like he's just sprinted a marathon.

"Hey," I slowly say.

"Bella," he repeats, and I don't think I've ever seen or heard him look as vulnerable as this. "I was trying to find you just then and—"

"Do you still need a ride or not?" the cab driver suddenly grumbles while rolling down his car window.

"No, she won't," Jackson immediately and firmly answers, turning to the driver. "Sorry, and thanks."

I shut the car door and flash the driver an apologetic smile. With a grunt, he rolls his car window back up and drives off. Then, with my undivided attention, I turn to glance back at Jackson.

"Everything I just said back then..." He exhales and shakes his head. "I can't do it. I promised myself that I'd be the perfect boyfriend for you and that there would be no slip-ups. And I know my life is a mess right now but...I'm still too selfish to let you go."

I'm unable to contain the tiny smile that crosses my lips. "Jackson, you don't have to be perfect to be my perfect fit. Did you really think I agreed to break up with you?"

"When you left the cafe, I thought it was over," he confesses, fear and vulnerability in his voice. "I thought that I'd pushed you away forever."

"I wasn't going to leave you," I explain. "I got a text from my mom and had to call her. Ivy got into a car accident and is at the hospital. I was going to quickly check up on her and call you again."

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