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Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]


Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 16: Pomegranate Three Eats

When Ye Yushi woke up, he found that the entire villa was completely new. The interior of the villa seems to have been cleaned, and even the floor seems to reflect the shadow of people.

"This is, what happened?"

He got out of bed, opened the door and wanted to go down to find Bai Guo, but when he arrived in the living room, he found Bai Guo standing on the back of the sofa chair, directing three small robots to clean.

The three little robots didn't know where to put on a black and white maid-like dress, and diligently cleaned the house back and forth. Some stretched their arms to sweep away the dust with the vacuum cleaner, some cleaned the garbage, and some wrung out the wet rags and diligently wiped the house.

This look made Ye Yushi have the illusion that he was some kind of evil employer.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing his voice, the three robots and one cat all stopped, the three robots waved their robotic arms at him, and Bai Guo jumped on the freshly wiped floor and said: "Meow, let them adapt to the work in advance."

"That's an exaggeration." Ye Yushi said, "It is necessary to combine work and rest."

The one who answered him was Bug Er, who wiped the floor hard twice, and after wiping and showing Ye Yu his mechanical arm, an emoji with his arms bulging appeared on the screen.

Bai Guo translated: "It says it's strong, don't worry. Worm

Two nodded.

"That doesn't work either." According to the scene that Ye Yushi saw when he came down all the way, this entire villa is estimated to have the credit of three little guys, how can this keep them busy, so he half-squatted down and said, "I'll be ready to make things later, you guys rest first, if I need something, just help me pass it, okay?"

The three little ones dragged their chins and thought for a while, then nodded at the same time.

Ye Yushi quickly asked them to put the cleaning things back, and then prepared to start broadcasting.

[Good evening when it rains, how do you feel now?]

As soon as the broadcast started, some viewers asked about his physical condition.

"It's already much better, thank you for your concern." Ye Yushi bent his eyes, "Today we make sugar-fried chestnuts and pomegranate lemon tea, and the remaining pomegranates are eaten directly plus made into pomegranate wine."

[Looking forward to it!


Ye Yushi went to get the chestnuts picked today, but found that the chestnuts did not know when they were skinned, and three small robots stood outside the camera in a row, staring at him obediently.

"Trouble you." Ye Yushi smiled softly.

[Who is who, who is talking about when it rains?] White fruit? Ah, so anxious, I really want to see ah]

✓Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Where stories live. Discover now