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Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]


Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 28: Tea

At this time, S suddenly brushed another wave of star seas.

【S: Do you record videos when growing vegetables?

"Do you mean all or occasionally?"


Ye Yushi thought thoughtfully. Yes, he can let Bai Guo set up a separate shot here, so that the recorded things in it can be sent to S. But what does S want this for?

"The plants in the Federation should be different from the way they are grown here, right?" He asked suspiciously.

[S: I have a batch of Blue Star seeds and want to try them. Plant it and send it to you]

[Blue Star seed? The Slug family lives in the mine star and has a home, and there are actually blue star seeds]

[Nonsense! Convex (艹皿艹) I can prove that living in the Mine Star does not mean that the Mine Star is yours, it is likely that not only has no money, but is also very dangerous, and the poisonous gas traps you think it is a joke] [What hell joke, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh]

[But seriously, if the Slug really has seeds, he may not be able to use this in the rain, we are immersive. Of course, if you try, don't blame the rain if you can't plant it.]

"I believe S is not that kind of person." Ye Yushi didn't know whether S's words were true or false, but it was not troublesome to record a video, so he said, "Okay, then I will record the video and send it to you." However, planting is a long job, it cannot be achieved overnight, and it takes a little patience. [

S: People who study are the least patient to study]

Ye Yu was relieved

when he heard his words. The three little robots have not finished turning the ground and continue to work hard. However, Ye Yushi called the second insect and asked him to take him to find the bamboo forest.

I promised to teach the audience how to make oil-paper umbrellas before, and Ye Yushi did not forget this at all.

All the way to the bamboo forest, I saw that there was a stream nearby, and Ye Yu's eyes lit up. In this way, the bamboo can be processed here.

The bamboo forest in spring looks more and more verdant, and when Ye Yu rains, he chooses a straight bamboo with few knots and asks the insect two to help him cut it.

Insect Two spits out a toolbox from Fang's "belly", then takes out parts from it to assemble a saw and starts chopping bamboo.

[Is this used to make umbrellas?]

】 "Yes, this is used to make umbrella bones, strong umbrella bones can ensure that the umbrella will not fall apart, and when the bamboo is soaked, we will go to those houses yesterday to see if there is leather cotton paper and tung oil in the house, these three things are the key to making oil paper umbrellas." Speaking of this, Ye Yushi was a little embarrassed, "It is said that the traditional production process, the old craftsman has to go through seventy or eighty to process to make the oil-paper umbrella, but you also know that although I have learned but not perfect, the process may be relatively simple."

✓Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Where stories live. Discover now