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Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]


Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 23: Are You Really?

Light and cheerful pure music flowed quietly in the villa, and the owner of the house also hummed the tune, which seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

As soon as the audience in the live broadcast room came in, they heard melodious music, as if announcing that the day's life began with happiness, which made them involuntarily feel happy.

[Wow, it's music that I haven't heard, and it's different from the major styles of the Federation, I like it]

[I feel so happy today when it's raining]

"Yes, if nothing goes wrong, we can go to a new place in two days, this place is an autumn scene, and you can see the spring scenery next time." Ye Yushi said as he took out the dough that he had woken up.

【Okay, new area】

【What is in your hand when it rains?】

】 "Dough, eat wontons and boiled corn this morning, and then I will go out to collect a harvest of pepper seeds, it is estimated that the seeds of tomatoes have also been fermented, and I will soak them when the time comes." Well, the zombie persimmon should be good tomorrow and ready to eat. He chattered about what he was going to do today, and everyone was not in a hurry, listening to him slowly, and taking two sentences from time to time.

Speaking this skill, Ye Yushi had already rolled out the dough.

"I still remember that I couldn't do it when I rolled out the noodles for the first time, and there were also problems with the waking noodles, either they couldn't be removed from the board, or they couldn't be rolled out, and they would retract when they were rolled out, and then the palms of my hands were also made painful and red, and my parents saw the appearance of embarrassment." It was obviously opened by himself, but when he talked about Ye Yu in the back, he was embarrassed.

The live broadcast room laughed, and a few people directly shouted that Ye Yushi would not cut this section when the time came. It's rare to see him not so comfortable, and everyone wants to stay.

"Good, good, good." Ye Yushi reluctantly agreed to them. Although I was a little embarrassed to think about it, everyone asked for it, and it was nothing to send it out. But in this way, you must not let these guys see the photos they were taken at that time, otherwise they will be laughed at.

That being said, the smile on Ye Yushi's face was even brighter.

As he spoke, the dough had been rolled out as thin as a cicada's wings, and Ye Yushi cut them into pieces of noodles, and then began to mix the filling.

Add spices such as light soy oyster sauce to the minced meat, and finally add some minced green onion, stir it and add some green onion and ginger water to prepare the bag. Ye Yushi prepared small wontons with fresh meat, loaded the filling into the noodles, and pinched them, and the small wontons were pinched one by one.

Wonton soup is made with seaweed and shrimp skin when it rains, and after the wontons are cooked, add the soup, add some salt and sesame oil, even if you eat it in the morning, you will not feel tired.

Two bowls of wontons are ready, and the aroma of corn boiled in the pot also comes out. Fresh corn is bright in color after boiling, and when the leaves rain, it is cut and placed in front of himself and the white fruit. Just by taking a bite, you can feel the sweet taste of the tender particles after they are broken.

✓Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Where stories live. Discover now