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HomeModern metropolisLive broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Chapter 60: Beef Noodles (Plus Change)

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Chapter 60: Beef Noodles (Plus More) (1/2)


Seeing his embarrassment, Ye Yushi said with a smile: "It's okay, this is not important, you haven't told me how to turn spiritual power into an attack, let's continue to learn."

The two skipped the topic together. In fact, turning mental power into means of attack and defense is almost the same as the use of mental power, and the basis of all this is the control of spiritual power.

Fortunately, Ye Yushi was a good student, and he was extremely skilled in mental power control, so when it came time to attack and defend, he also learned quickly.

In the training environment simulated by the training room, an invisible knife quickly shot out in the direction of Ye Yu, piercing the floating and falling balloons not far away.

"It worked." Ye Yushi turned back in surprise and almost bumped into S who was standing beside him.

S supported his slightly shaking body with one arm, and his tone did not hide his admiration: "Well done."

The distance between the two was too close and his words made Ye Yushi couldn't help but redden a little on the tip of his ears, slightly widening the distance between the two sides, Ye Yushi looked at his hands and said: "S, do you know how healers use spiritual power? When the goat was restless that day, I seemed to use mental power to calm it down, so I wondered if I could try to learn the therapist's methods.

The therapist is precious, if you ask others, it may not be true, but whether it is your own identity or the identity of Bai Yu, you can have relevant training methods, so you nodded and said: "I have some simple training documents, which will be transmitted to you when the time comes."

He did not question whether Ye Yushi could become a healer. Whether it was yes or no, he had to give Ye Yushi trust first, let him study and work hard.

The two studied until late at night, Ye Yushi yawned, and saw that S still looked energetic, and was surprised: "It stands to reason that you are much busier than me, who stays at home every day, how come you are not tired at all."

At this time, he relaxed a lot, like a deer who only unloaded his vigilance, little by little he approached those close to him, revealing a harmless appearance.

It looks inexplicable... Easy to touch.

S raised his hand to touch his hair, but only thought about it, and finally let it go.

Not yet, it will scare him.

In the end, he just answered Ye Yushi's question in ordinary terms: "I'm used to it."

Ye Yushi nodded, but did not agree with this statement in his heart. Habit is habit, but it does not mean that you will not be tired, but some things are taken for granted, so you may even relax less.

Let's have a chance to relax together.

Ye Yushi remembered their previous plan, so he said, "Then when you are free one day, let's go to the Cloud Paradise to play and relax."

This is still the plan proposed by S, but as a result, Ye Yushi will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and he proposed it again.

"Good." A smile appeared in S's eyes, "I'll take two days off, let's go together then."

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