Suit Yourselves!- Enhypen x Ni-Ki

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Requested by: sun_Y0shi_ne

Plot: what happens when everyone had enough of niki pushing them away, deciding to ignore the boy?

3rd POV

niki walked through his locker and opened it, already knowing that it won't pass more that 15 seconds until his peace is going to be destroyed-

"hey there, darling" he heard behind him, turning around to be met with pretty bambi eyes that looked at him with pure love

"ugh fuck off" niki said, rolling his eyes, making heeseung chuckle

"why the attitude?" he rose his eyebrow, making niki scoff

"mind your own business and life, will you?!" he yelled at the older who didn't even flinch

"you are my life, darling" heeseung said in a flirty tone, getting slightly pushed by niki who scrunched his nose

"gross, now move. i have to go to my class" niki said as he closed his locker and tried to make heeseung leave him

"alright, i'll lead you"

"i'm fine by my self-" niki said as he walked with heeseung by his side, some annoying screams cutting him off

'fuck, his fangirls'

"don't you have to go to those girls that are obsessed with you? and maybe leave me the fuck alone?!" he spat harshly, making heeseung stop and look at him like he was thinking

"hmmm...nah~ you are more important" he said, grabbing niki by his waist as he walked to niki's class, the younger rolling his eyes

when they arrived, heeseung kissed niki's cheek who instantly pulled away, whipping his face

"yacks! just leave me already!"

"take care, darling" heeseung smiled, walking away with a wink

niki closed his eyes and took a deep breath before entering the class, seeing only a seat free which was beside...

'ugh! i'll wipe that smirk of his off his face!' he groaned, walking to the cat like boy, throwing himself on the sit

"wow, easy there, pretty" he chuckled, niki glaring at him

"just shut. the fuck. up. jungwon." he said, the bell helping him as it rang, making the teacher enter the class

"settle down class! alright, everyone, open your books at page 106, we have a long lesson today" their math teacher said as she clapped her hands to fasten up and make them more interested

halfway through the class, they started to work an exercise with the new formula the teacher taught

niki understood math, but he just had to do use the formula a few more times to actually start getting it

and this was just the first exercise, and the teacher seemed to look around the class for a student to give the answer

"hmm, niki? do you know the answer" the teacher wondered, making niki rise his head from his scratched notebook

"oh, umm..." he looked down at his page, a blush raising in his face when he felt everyones eyes on his

he saw a hand quickly on his book, writing something in it quickly, making him read it out as the word was underlined twice

"oh umm, 3.14?" he looked up at the teacher who smiled and clapped for him

"congrats niki! and that, dear students, is pi..." the teacher got back to teaching, niki quickly looking at jungwon who smiled proudly at him

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