Part 16 Birthday And Scream.

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Wednesday and Enid walked through the forest that leads to Crackstone's Crypt.

Her fellow students have decided to throw her a birthday party after Thing informs them much to Wednesday's disappointment.

On the bright side, or in Wednesday's case the dark side, she managed to talk to Goody Addams, her ancestor. Telling her to find a certain location regarding the Crackstone's mystery.


The Next Morning.

"Careful Thing. That's my cold shoulder." Wednesday warns Thing causing the hand to slip down from her shoulder.

"Don't blame Thing. The birthday party was my idea. It deserved to be celebrated." Enid says coming from behind. "I'd prefer to be executed."

Thing proceeds to come out from below Wednesday's bed dragging a big suitcase with one of it's finger.

"Your parents left that here during the parents weekend." Wednesday read the memo before opening it revealing three dead squirrels and some surgical kits.

"One live squirrel is better than three dead squirrels." Wednesday let's out a big sigh disappointed.

"While we're still accepting present, here's mine." Enid handed over a black wrapping to Wednesday. She unwrapped it and take out the content.

"What is this?" The gothic girl looks at her roommate with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's a snood silly. I thought you might at least likes the colours. And the best part is, I have one for myself." She replied proudly.

Wednesday goes over to her bed, placing the item besides her. "Maybe if I burn this, the monster will show up." Enid flinched at the statement.

"Speaking of monster, here's another one." Enid reaches into her pocket and takes out a small case.

Wednesday turned around crossing her arms. "I only aged one time per year. I suggest you save that for next year. That is, if anyone of us still alive by then."

"It's from (Y/N) actually. I invited him to the party last night, but he said he's gonna stay with Eugene at the hospital. He managed to pass this to me so here, present from (Y/N)."

"Is there anyone that Thing doesn't tell." She takes the case and open it. The content is certainly eye-catching.


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"Wow. That is one pretty necklace. Can't believe I lost." Enid looks at her roommate who seemed to be captivated by the present. Wednesday close the case soon after and put it on her table.

"This isn't some competition. It's the heart that count. Literally."


Mayor Walker and Principal Weems are having some conversations regarding the Rave'N incident involving Lucas and his friends.

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