Part 22 Who's Who.

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The next day, Wednesday and her uncle, Fester follows Xavier somewhere into the woods. He has a secret meeting with Dr. Kinbott, the therapist.

Wednesday assumed that she's the one who uses hypnotherapy to unlock the Hyde within Xavier.

Elsewhere, in Weathervane. (Y/N) arrived to be greeted by Tyler.

"Hot chocolate?" The barista behind the counter asks him.

"And a word." (Y/N) place his money and before taking a seat at the usual booth. After his order is done, Tyler delivers it to him sitting opposite the boy.

"So, what's up?" Tyler asks with a weak smile.

"How's your chest?" (Y/N) taking a sip of his drink.

"Getting better. What about your head?" He returns the question.

"Still intact." A silence between the two before (Y/N) continues.

"I talked to Wednesday last night." Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. (Y/N) took notice of his expression.

"Are you crushing on her? Cause I know I do." (Y/N) eyeing his friend awaiting his answer.

"Why the sudden question?" Tyler's asks still putting on a weak smile on his face.

"You used your daddy's threat against me. Telling me to keep my distance. Yet you kept following her like a good little pup."

"(Y/N) come on, what's she got on you anyway?"

"I don't know. She's in my head for a while now. And to be honest, I'm actually glad to have met her. Maybe after everything is over, I'll actually ask her out." Tyler's smile disappears looking at his friend. His eyes are serious. (Y/N) takes a sip of his drink before changing the topic.

"What are you doing in the forest two months ago when you first found me?" Tyler was astonished by the question.

"I, was wandering around the place."

"The moment we became acquainted with one another, you've never once wander in the woods, at least not by yourself. So I'm curious." (Y/N) leans in closer staring at him.

"I saved your life." Tyler slightly raised his voice.

"I didn't asked you to. All this time I'm this close to being killed, someone else has to suffer. Eugene got into a coma, then Mayor Walker before his unknown murder. If this is the fate of the people around me, why are you still alive at the mansion. The monster always left me and Wednesday off the hook. You're the third person to survive."

"What about Enid? She was there as well." Tyler countered.

"With Wednesday. You encountered the monster by yourself yet you're alive."

"What about you then!? You also encountered the monster alone and here you are." Tyler raised his voice.

"Wednesday and Enid both witnessed me getting tossed like a dodgeball in the mansion. All those commotions and you didn't even showed up. Either you're scared, selfish or you're hoping for it to kill me. Wednesday even said that the monster isn't working alone."

"You're accusing me of being the monster's friend? How could you!?"

"Why couldn't I? We became friends after I woke up that day at the hospital. You befriended the emo kid from school despite the constant warning from the others. Then, you start to work part time at Weathervane where I occasionally come to for my reading."

"Do have any idea how insane you sound right now!?" Tyler stands up looking down at (Y/N) dead center in his eyes

"Then Wednesday happened. Harvest festival, you're supposed to drive her out of town before she was assaulted by the Ron kid and miraculously saved by the monster."

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