chapter eight

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y/n's pov

"y/n! come in, have a seat!" anthony says as i shake his hand, sitting on the chair across from him, making sure my jeans and hoodie don't clash and my crop top doesn't show my bra straps.

"so, shall we begin?" he asks as i smile.

"yes of course! lets start the cameras rolling!" i say with a flourish as he motions to the camera man.

"welcome y/n soot!" he says again as i shake his hand, "it's a pleasure to have you here!"

"wow, anthony! i love being here!" i say, laughing.

"so, do you want to start by saying your name and pronouns and that type of stuff?" he says as i nod, looking at the camera as it zooms in on me. i raise my hands up and wave.

"hi! my name is y/n soot, i use she/her pronouns! i'm 23 years old and i live in brighton with my brother wilbur, sister carli, niece violet, and sister in law lele! i'm also in a private relationship." i say as anthony ooo's.

"so, let's start with your past. what was it like growing up for you, your brother, and your sister?" he asks as i sigh.

"well, i only lived with them till i was 13, then my step-dad and mom moved around with me and their dad and mom stayed. i was adopted when i was 2, wilbur and carli are technically my half siblings. we have the same dad, different moms." i add on, "my life there was pretty good. dad and mom gave us the world plus extra."

"you've never talked about your adoption or relationship with your biological and adoptive parents before, can you tell us a little more about that?" anthony asks as i nod.

"my dad cheated on his wife, i call her mom. then he had me with my bio mom, but my bio mom was married to another man. she gave custody to my dad until i was 13 and she moved us to london, then germany, then scotland, then i was homeless." i say as anthony looks at me with pity and sympathy.

"so did being adopted affect your relationship with wilbur and carli? did it affect your later relationship with your niece?" he asks, checking his note pad.

"well," i sigh, "carli and wilbur have taken me in as one of their own. we're half siblings and two halves make a whole i guess. violet doesn't know about my adoption, we aren't telling her when she's this young. maybe when she's 10 or 13."

"so back to the homeless part, you mentioned before that your biological mothers husband left you in scotland and nobody came to retrieve you for two years. what was it like?" he asks as i look at the people backstage and then anthony.

"well, i had this friend. her name was rayna. she was in her thirties and we met when i was 19. i had just become homeless and i felt lost. she taught me how to survive, to thrive. she got pulled under the tracks a few days before i reached out to wilbur. i didn't want to have to train hop without my best friend." i say, sighing as anthony shakes his head.

"i'm sorry, y/n. can you tell us more about rayna?" he says as i nod, smiling.

"she had dreadlocks dyed bright colors like purple and blue and green. she had a train dog, his name is marvin. he lives with carli and violet now, a real sweetheart. rayna loved movies from the 90's and the color gold. she had been homeless since she was 13 and was 34 when she passed, 32 when i met her. she was the most beautiful kind of fucked up i had ever met." i say, sighing as anthony nods.

"she sounds truly lovely. i hope she rest in peace. but do you feel comfortable talking about reaching out to wilbur and how he helped you?"

"wilbur was in his peak era of the soot house, he bought me a plane ticket and phone with the money he got. he paid for marvin to come with me and gave me enough money to get back on my feet. i think the most wonderful thing he did, though, was get me my first computer. i started streaming with it and kept going until now!" i say, laughing as anthony does as well.

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