Chapter 20

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Even though Regulus technically had legal grounds to pursue custody of Hermione on the basis of not knowing of his child's existence and never signing off his parental rights, he had decided not to pursue custody. He knew Hermione wouldn't like that and he didn't want to distress her even more, especially since she only had four to five more years as a minor and she was going to be at Hogwarts for three quarter of the year anyways. But he did want to be a part of Hermione's life and hoped she would eventually accept him as a father. A part of him even hoped she would one day take his last name.

The Grangers were grateful that he wasn't pursuing a custody case and as a compromise, agreed not to stand in his way of having a relationship with his daughter. Hermione was still healing from the shock but had agreed to try having a relationship and work on forgiving him. So far, she had only agreed to having one conversation where they tried to get to know each other. They would continue trying to build their relationship during her next school break but Hermione had also agreed that he could write to her while she was at Hogwarts.


The Potter, Granger (or Black) and Weasley children returned to Hogwarts once Christmas break was over. James had a nagging feeling on his mind. He always felt guilty about giving Abby away but had agreed to keep it quiet for his cousin's sake and mainly because he didn't want to disrupt her life. But after seeing Hermione's reaction to finding out she was adopted, he wasn't so sure anymore. Sure, one could argue that maybe it's for the best Abby doesn't know as she would likely be just as devastated as Hermione. But then again, if she eventually found out years later, she might be even more devastated and even angrier. Perhaps it's best if they just told her the truth and assured her that they all loved her very much, including her dead mum.

He consulted Sirius, Remus and Regulus on this. Regulus was also filled in on the situation as James thought Regulus might understand better than anyone as he was going through a similar situation. They made Regulus promise not to tell anyone.

"If you do tell her, are you also going to seek custody?" asked Regulus.

"No. No. I don't want to take her away from my cousin. Like you and Hermione, I don't want to disrupt her life and take her away from the home she knows. But I thought that maybe I should just tell her the truth as she deserves to know."

"I actually think you should tell her the truth," said Sirius. "Sure, she would be upset at first, but she'll get over it. Like you said, she deserves to know."

"That's all well and good Sirius, but you saw how upset Hermione was. Should she be put through that? Maybe some secrets are best left buried," said Remus.

James pressed his lips together. "I'd appreciate it if all three of you were unanimous in this as I'm confused as it is."

"James, maybe you should consult your cousin?" suggested Regulus. "I mean, our cousin".

"Yeah. But I'm not sure how I'm going to bring this up to him," James said uncertainly.

Remus put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's worth a try. Just reassure him that you don't want to take her away but are just wondering if she deserves the truth."

"I thought you were against telling her?"

"I was. But I see the point of her deserving to know. And I meant consult Luke first and see how he feels."

"By the way, Snape knows."


James explained how Snape came over ad confronted him.

Sirius clenched his fist as his face went red. "That Snivelling git. Always poking his abnormally large nose in our business. I'll teach that grease ball a lesson" he swore.

"Sirius, please calm down. We aren't going to achieve anything by jumping on Snape. He has said that he'll be quiet for now," said James.

"But only until he needs a favor though," said Regulus.

"Yeah. But we'll deal with that when it comes. I should probably talk to Luke first."

"And Danielle. She's just as involved in this," reminded Remus.

James sighed. "Oh no. I forgot. Danielle herself doesn't know. Now that's one more thing to deal with."

"Right. Forgot about that. Maybe speak to Luke first."


A week after they were back at school, Slytherin played Hufflepuff. Abby parents were there to see her play but she was puzzled to see Uncle James with them. Nevertheless Abby was happy to her uncle as well. She had just met him but for some reason was very fond of him. James said that he wanted to see his niece play too and could use the opportunity to his son.

Slytherin won against Hufflepuff once Malfoy caught the snitch. But it was a narrow escape as Cedric would easily have caught the snitch if weren't for Malfoy's swift action. She had to admit that this made his catch even more impressive.

"What do you think of how I caught the snitch, Potter?" asked Malfoy when everyone else in the Slytherin Common Room was busy celebrating.

Abby could just smell the pride and bragging in his voice. She wasn't going to admit that besides herself, she actually admired how he caught the snitch and nor was she going to admit that for a brief moment during their previous game against Ravenclaw (which they had also won), she taught he looked handsome in his Quidditch robes. She was disgusted with herself for thinking it. At least he caught the snitches fair and square during both game, though the previous one was an easier, less impressive catch.

"It was good. Good job Malfoy," she replied as casually as she could.

"Great job with Quaffles you scored," he said.

Abby honestly didn't know what to make of him. "Umm ... thanks. Malfoy, why are you nice to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're mean to people I like but nice to me. And I'm not any different from them".

"Yes you are"


"I mean .... I. I should get back to the celebration. Nice talking to you Potter." With that, Malfoy had joined his friends.

Abby shook her head exasperatedly.


Harry always knew Malfoy was an idiot. And that day, during Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class, his stupidity took the cake. Hagrid introduced the class to Hippogriffs and made Harry be the first one to take a ride on one of the Hippogriffs, Buckbeak. Despite his fear, he reluctantly followed Hagrid's instructions and took a successful ride on Buckbeak, returning to claps and cheers from most of the class.

Enraged and jealous, Malfoy taught it was good idea of give it a try himself. But the fool that he was, he ignored Hagrid's clear instruction not to insult Buckbeak. Within the next two seconds, Buckbeak had attacked his arm and he had to be taken to the hospital wing by Hagrid.

"Is he going to be alright?" asked Hermione, concerned.

"Who cares," said Ron.

=to be continued= 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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