Chapter 11

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Hey guys! I am truly sorry that it took me soo long to update. I promise to update more frequently in future.

The next day, the Marauders, Harry and the Weasleys geared up to set their pranks against the Dursleys in action. They sent their house-elf Agron to do their dirty work which included setting up a portal that enabled them to view the pranks from Potter Manor. It was part of hose-elf magic.

Through the portal they witnessed Vernon and Dudley enter their car, but the moment Vernon twisted the key to start his car the engine blew up, leaving both father and son in an amusing mess of soot on their faces. Petunia and Marge had even worse fates with Agron's magic in the house where they were having ladies over for tea. The Potter house-elf made Marge constantly fart in front of the guests and made Petunia speak her mind about the ladies which happened to include the horrible things she thought about them. The ladies who were initially amused by Marge's gas problems left after being offended by Petunia's insults. The gang at Potter Manor had a hilarious time watching the pranks. A part of them thought it was rather mild but they decided to keep certain limits.

When Hermione found out that house-elves didn't get paid she was initially horrified, but after Agron had made it clear that he refused any sort of payment she reluctantly kept her peace but they could tell she was still unsatisfied. Harry however noticed something different about Hermione. He was too distracted with the new changes in his life to notice at first, but her hair was no longer quiet as bushy. She had gotten it styled at a muggle salon. And it wasn't just her hair, there was something quiet different about her that he couldn't quiet explain.

Five days before school was set to begin, Luke Potter and his family arrive at Potter Manor. As greetings were exchanged between them and the rest of the household, James felt a leap of pleasure as he laid eyes on his daughter. Unlike Harry, Abby wasn't an almost carbon copy of either James or Lily which worked well in passing her off as Luke and Danielle's. She had Lily's face-shape and James's eyes while her nose and lips were both a nice mix of both her parents. She had Lily's wavy hair but instead of red, it was dark brown. He had to control himself from tearing up when he greeted her with a hug.

James's predicament was made even worse with how much Abby was like Lily in the way she spoke, the way she carried herself and the way she ate while they had lunch. She was vivacious and charming just like her mother and reminded him of his beloved wife more than Harry did.

Abby and Byron quickly bonded with the Golden Trio and Ginny as they sat in the living room having a chat. The Golden Trio was interested in learning about Ilvermony while Abby and Byron were interested in learning about Hogwarts. Harry was delighted to discover that both his second cousins played Quidditch.

That evening, the kids played Quidditch while the adults, Percy, Hermione and Ginny watched. It was the three Potters against the three Weasleys. Ginny wanted to join them but was turned down by her brothers. When they couldn't use the gender argument since Abby was playing, they argued that it would be an uneven match if it was four against one. James was gleeful with pride as he watched both his kids take after his flying and Quidditch skills. After the Potters won the first match, Ginny was allowed to have her turn during the second match while Ron sat it out. The Weasleys were surprised at how good Ginny was. The second match was a more even match due to Ginny being more skilled than Ron. It was a very close call but the Weasleys won the second match.

James was heading upstairs when he heard a voice call out to him with "Uncle James". He turned around to be faced with Abby. He couldn't help but be slightly disappointed at being called Uncle James by his own daughter. But he had no right to, he told him. He had given his parental rights up to his cousin. He had to honor it.

"Uncle James?" she said again as James was snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yees, Abby," he did his best to keep his voice straight.

"May I use the Potions lab? Potions is my favorite subject but none of my family shares my interest. I always wondered where I got it from".

James felt a tug at his heartstrings. Of course she had to love Potions just like Lily. He wished he could tell her that she took after her mother and he was her father but his hands were tied. Aside from it being dishonorable, Abby was under the impression that she had both parents and a complete family. Her finding out that her real mother was dead would take that away from her.

He led his daughter into the Potions lab in the basement and watched her with a fixed gaze as he saw her work with the same efficiency and enthusiasm her mother used to work with. He barely paid attention to what she was brewing but he could tell she was a dab hand at Potions just like Lily.

James and Abby came out of the basement to find Luke whose eyes were wide and lips were pressed together. A man of forty three, he was tall and thin with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Dad, Uncle James just let me use the Potion's lab," she said gleefully.

"Abby sweetheart, it's late. Why don't you be off to bed," said Luke.

Abby complied after hugging both Luke and James goodnight.

Luke looked wearily around before saying "James, may I please have a word in private?"

James led his cousin into the hall.

"Look James, I understand your feelings as Abby's biological father but in fairness, I didn't force you to give her up to me. Abby has been raised as mine and Danielle's for thirteen years and even Danielle doesn't know the truth. I understand that you might desire her to acknowledge you as her father and this might tempt you to tell her the truth, but I'm begging you please don't," Luke implored.

"Luke, I won't lie that it isn't hard for me. It's especially hard for me that she reminds me so much of Lily. But please believe me that I have no desire to take Abby away from you. She asked me to use the Potions lab and I showed her. That's all", said James.

Luke's expression softened. "I know that it's hard for you but it would be just as hard for me to lose Abby after raising her for thirteen years. I promise you that I love her as my own," said Luke.

"I know" said James understandably.

"Will you promise me to never tell her or anyone the truth? I apologize that I have to ask this of you. It's not that I don't trust you but I need it for my peace of mind. Please," Luke held out his palm.

James took Luke's palm in both of his "I promise".

"Thank you," Luke breathed a sigh of relief.

They turned around to be faced the shocked faces of the two people in front of them.

=to be continued=

A/N: Please remember to FOLLOW ME or ADD TO YOUR READING LIST if you want updates.

Please review so that I know if I improve in anything. The next chapter would be up in 5-8 weeks (less than 2 months). I apologize again for the long waiting period.

If you're interested in a fanfic where James, Sirius and Remus raise Harry from the start, please check out my fanfic, Paternal Instincts. 

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